Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Italy Day 7 - Florence Day 1 Part 3 by Aaron, The Opera del Duomo Museum in Florence 百花大教堂博物馆

The Opera del Duomo Museum in Florence

Gates of Paradise, The Deposition, Penitent Magdalene

~ Aaron 

      I had a great time in the Opera del Duomo Museum. This museum has tons of treasures collected over the years by Florence. We also saw the Gates of Paradise. We saw famous sculptures by Donatello and Michelangelo. This was an excellent day in Florence.

The Opera del Duomo Museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum
Collections at the museum
Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum
Collections at the museum
Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum
Collections at the museum
Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

Collections at the museum

       The Opera del Duomo Museum has a huge collection, from sculptures to paintings. Most of the artwork from the surrounding buildings is put inside this museum. The collection is made up of art from famous artists of the period.

The Gates of Paradise

The copy of Gates of Paradise at the Florence Baptistery

A copy of Gates of Paradise at Florence Baptistery

A copy of Gates of Paradise

A copy of Gates of Paradise

A copy of Gates of Paradise

A copy of Gates of Paradise

A copy of Gates of Paradise

A copy of Gates of Paradise

The original Gates of Paradise at the Opera del Duomo Museum

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

Gates of Paradise

     The Gates of Paradise is one of the only things made by Lorenzo Ghiberti. He won a competition against Fillippo Brunelleschi for the design. It is said that he spent 27 years (1425-1452) working on it. It was the east gate of the Florence Baptistery. However, the original has now been moved to the Opera del Duomo Museum, where we saw it.

The Deposition

The Deposition

The Deposition

The Deposition

The Deposition

The Deposition

A model of the Deposition

A model of the Deposition

     The Deposition by Michelangelo is also known as the Florentine Pieta. It consists of 4 people, an unknown person who may be Nicodemus, the body of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and Mary Magdalene. Michelangelo started working on it at age 72, and worked on it for 8 years without anyone telling him to. After this period, Michelangelo started destroying it, but it was rescued. Eventually, the ownership passed to Florence, and it was placed in the Opera del Duomo Museum, where we saw this sculpture too.

The Penitent Magdalene

The Penitent Magdalene

The Penitent Magdalene

The Penitent Magdalene

The Penitent Magdalene

The Penitent Magdalene

A model of the Penitent Magdalene

The Penitent Magdalene

     The Penitent Magdalene was made by Donatello, famous for how real it looks. It was initially put in the Florence Baptistry, but it was moved to the Opera del Duomo Museum, where we saw it. Donatello made the wooden sculpture when he was in his sixties. Many sculptures of the time show Mary Magdalene as nearly healthy, but Donatello chose to show her emaciated. Some thing that this was because the east showed her emaciated, so Donatello chose to do it that way.

     I had an amazing time in this museum. There are many precious items in the museum. The Gates of Paradise, the Deposition, and the Penitent Magdalene were all masterpieces in this museum. We ate excellent food tonight too. I wish I could experience this night again!

Museum, Gates of Paradise, The Deposition

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Market

At the market

At the market

At the market

At the market

At the market

At the market

At the market




Walking to the market


Florence T-bone steak

Florence T-bone steak

Florence T-bone steak

The dinner

The dinner

The dinner

The dinner

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