Saturday, June 9, 2018

Italy Day 2 - Rome Day 2 Part 2 by Gordon, Pompeii 庞贝古城


~ Gordon

Ruins of streets and houses
Afternoon walk at Pompeii

Entering Pompeii

Walking uphill to Pompeii

View from Pompeii entrance

Exhibition at the Entrance




Gold ring 

Wall decoration

Plaster Casts

Human cast
Human cast

Dog cast 

Human cast
Human cast

Baby cast


Pillar base

      Right after Herculaneum, we went to Pompeii. Pompeii and Herculaneum was destroyed and covered by the same eruption from Mt. Vesuvius. So the ruins I saw were left as it was during 79 AD. You can see many cool things at Pompeii, even at the start. You can find many casts, and even a cast of a dog. The dog is very famous. You can also see the Mystery Villa which is huge. There is also a puny room called a Lupanar, which kept ancient drawings.


At the forum

At the forum

At the forum

At the forum

At the forum

At the forum
At the forum

At the forum

At the forum

Temple of Venus

At the temple
At the temple

Temple of Fortuna Augusta

At Temple of Fortuna Augsta

At the temple

Temple of Apollo

At the temple

At the temple

At the temple

The first thing you see are the temples. They are named after Jupiter, Venus, and Apollo. Right next to the temples lie the casts. Remember how Mt. Vesuvius destroyed Pompeii with an eruption. There were some bodies that had left imprints. Imprints are marks in a hard surface. In the 1863, Giuseppe Fiorelli had an idea to see the last looks of people living in Pompeii. He got Plaster of Paris and poured it into the marks. As it hardened, it became a figure. Animals can even be found, and one of the most famous casts is an animal; a dog tied to something, most likely a pole.

Villa of the Mysteries

The famous murals of the villa 

Murals of the villa

Murals of the villa 

2 casts found at the villa 

Murals of the villa

Murals of the villa

At the villa

At the villa

At the entrance of the villa

     Do you ever wonder why the Villa of the Mysteries is called that way? Is it full of mysteries? It is! It is one of the best preserved buildings, though the roof has collapsed. That happened during the eruption. 9 people hid here and got trapped because of the roof. It was a sad thing they didn’t run away using pillows covering their head, which would give them a chance to escape. There’s a reason I say chance. When a person ran with a pillow, a huge volcanic rock hit them in the skull. The pillow exploded, and the person’s skull broke open.




A small bed

     There is a lot of graffiti at the Lupanar of Pompeii. However, most of it is inappropriate. There are 5 little rooms with small stone beds. There are also a few drawing with color that you can still see.

Walking around Pompeii, a Grand City

On the street

A house

On the street

Drinking water from the fountain

A house mosaic floor

Casa della Fontana Piccola

Water collector


House decoration


House of Marcus Lucretius in via Stabiana

Walking in the house

Mosaic floor in the garden

Mosaic floor in the garden

Mosaic floor 


At the house


Casa dell'Orso Ferito

Mosaic on the wall

Mosaic on the floor

Gladiators Training Center

Walking through the gladiator cells

The cells 

Gladiators Training Center

Gladiator cells

Piccolo Theater

Piccolo Theater

Grand Theater

Grand Theater





Fullonica di Stephanus

Interior of the house

Interior of the house



Mosaic on the floor




Interior of the  baths




A statue at the baths

At the baths

     Pompeii was really cool. You could see many historic things, with a lot of exercise. Why exercise? Because Pompeii is a giant city. There are 2 hours routes, 4 hours routes, and even 7 hours routes. Of course, we took the longest routes! The temples are cool along with some others, like the casts, villas, houses, baths, the Lupanar, small theater, large theater and a small coliseum! I hope we can go there again!

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