Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Italy Day 9 - Part 2 by Aaron, Duomo Florence, Crypt of Santa Reparata - Duomo

Duomo Florence, Crypt of Santa Reparata - Duomo

~ Aaron

     Santa Reparata is an ancient building. It was built in Roman times. The Florence Duomo was built right on top of the Santa Reparata. I had a great time in Santa Reparata.

     Santa Reparata was built about 400 AD and it was the main church of Florence for almost 1000 years. There are many legends about why it was built and when exactly it was built, but evidence from archaeological finds shows that it was probably built in the late 4th century or in the early 5th century. Eventually, this small church was too old and started crumbling apart, so a new church, the current Florence Duomo, was built on its site. It wasn’t until the late 1900s when the crypt of Santa Reparata was discovered. The inside had been in constant repair since it was built until just a few years before it was demolished.

     The Florence Duomo was built around Santa Reparata, and the smaller church was demolished once the Duomo was completed. Like the Siena Duomo, the Black Death halted the work on the Duomo. Unlike the Siena Duomo, work on the Duomo continued the next year in 1349. It was made solely of marble and brick.

      This was an amazing time in Santa Reparata. The crypt of Santa Reparata had beautiful mosaics. The dome of the Florence Duomo is the largest brick dome built. I wish I could have had more time to see Santa Reparata!

At the Entrance of Florence Duomo

At the entrance

At the entrance

At the entrance

At the entrance

At the entrance

At the entrance

At the entrance

The Interior of Florence Duomo

The interior

The interior

The interior

The interior

The interior

The interior

The interior

The Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

Crypt of Santa Reparata

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

The Florence Duomo

Cake shop

Eating cake

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