Saturday, June 9, 2018

Italy Day 3, Rome Day 3 Part 1 by Aaron, Vatican Museum 梵蒂冈博物馆

Vatican Museum

~ Aaron

Vatican Museum

Vatican Museum

At the museum entrance

Long waiting line at museum entrance

At the end of waiting line

     The Vatican Museums have a huge collection of artifacts collected from ancient times to Renaissance times. The spiral staircase is a very famous staircase. The Chiaramonti Museum contains many statues and the Egyptian Museum contains real mummies with the wrappings partially unwrapped! We also saw the Raphael Rooms. The Sistine Chapel is beautiful. The Vatican is so rich because the Pope lives in the Vatican.

Spiral Staircase

The staircase

Going down

The staircase

The staircase
Going down

The staircase

Bottom view of the staircase
At the bottom

Climbing up

     The stairs are a prominent symbol of the Vatican. They also mark the sole exit of the Vatican Museums. The stairs were designed by Giuseppe Momo. Pope Pius XI commissioned the stairs. The staircase is a double staircase, but one of the individual staircases is closed.

     The Vatican collected many Ancient Roman statues (or pieces of them) and displays them in the Chiaramonti Museum. The museum was arranged by Antonio Canova about 200 years ago. The Egyptian Museum is even more famous then the Chiaramonti Museum. Near the Egyptian Museum, there are statues of Athena and Marsyas. The Museums combined have a ton of artifacts.

The Raphael Rooms

Raphael Rooms

Raphael Rooms

Raphael Rooms

Raphael Rooms

Raphael Rooms

Raphael Rooms

The School of Athens

The School of Athens

Raphael Rooms

Raphael Rooms

The School of Athens
     The Raphael Rooms are a series of rooms that were painted by Raphael and his assistants. The first few rooms he painted himself, but the last room was completed by his assistants after his sudden death. The School of Athens is inside the second room. Many people in the painting were modeled after people living in Raphael’s time. The last room shows Constantine and why he made Christianity legal in the Roman empire.

The Sistine Chapel

Ceiling mural and the Last Judgement
painted by Michelangelo
Ceiling Mural

The Sistine Chapel

The Sistine Chapel

The Creation of Adam
from ceiling of the Sistine Chapel
     The Sistine Chapel ceiling was painted by Michelangelo, and was commissioned by Pope Julius II. Michelangelo took from 1508 to 1512 to finish painting the ceiling. He would later come back again to paint the Last Judgement from 1536 to 1541. The ceiling shows God creating Adam and Eve. It also shows the hardships the Jews endured under Moses.

     The Vatican Museums amazing artifacts in their collections. The spiral staircase is well-known. The Chiaramonti Museum and the Egyptian Museum both contain some finds in great condition still. The Raphael Rooms are full of excellent art. The Sistine Chapel is one of the most famous chapels in the world. I wish this day had never ended.


Roman copy of Greek statues, in early 100AD

From Tomb at Vicovaro

From Tomb of Vicovaro

Mosaic art 



Copy of Michelangelo's Pieta

Copy of the Pieta

Stefaneschi Triptych

Niccolo di Lberatore

The Oddi Altarpiece by Raffael

The Oddi Altarpiece by Raffael

The Oddi Altarpiece by Raffael

Lamentation over the Dead Christ
by Giovanni Bellini

St Jerome in the Wilderness
by Leonardo da Vinci

Madonna di Monteluce by Raphael

A statue

The Last Communion of St Jerome
by ll Domenichino

The preparatory models
by Giovan Lorenzo Bernini 

Religious art

Gallery of sculptures

Gallery of sculptures

A sculpture at Gallery of Sculptures

Athena sculpture at Gallery of Sculptures

A gallery

Floor mosaic

The Nile

At the walkway

Walkway of the museum

The Belvedere Apollo


River god


A room at the museum

The rooftop of a gallery

The Belvedere Torso

At the museum

Sarcophagus of St Helena

Entering Egyptian Gallery

At the entrance of Egyptian Gallery

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The Vatican Naophoro Statue

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From Villa of Hadrian in Tivoli

River god


Gallery of Tapestries

Tapestry of Bible story


Gallery of Maps

Gallery of Maps

The Garden of the Vatican Museum

At the garden

Dome of St Peter's Basilica

The dome

The museum building

The museum building

Sphere within a sphere, 1990

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