Saturday, June 9, 2018

Italy Day 3, Rome Day 3 Part 2 by Gordon, St. Peter Basilica 圣彼得大教堂 & St. Peter's Square 圣彼得广场 at Vatican City

St. Peter Basilica &  St. Peter's Square

~ Gordon

St. Peter's Cupola, St. Peter Basilica, St. Peter's Square

St Peter’s Basilica was very cool. Inside of the basilica, the famous Pieta quietly sits at its right corner. We cannot look at the Pieta closely, as it is blocked by a glass wall. The basilica was also designed in part by Michelangelo. The key-shaped Saint Peter’s Square stands in front of the basilica. The remodeled square was designed by Bernini.

The Dome of St Peter's Basilica

Exit Sistine Chapel
meet the long waiting line
for climbing the dome

Guard of Vatican City

Guard of Vatican City

The sidegate

The sidegate

The sidewall

Halfway to the Top of the Dome

Ready to climb

Climbing up the stairs

At the halfway dome

At the halfway dome

View form halfway dome

View from halfway dome

At the halfway dome

View of St Peter's Basilica
from the halfway dome

Mosaic art on the wall

Mosaic art on the wall

St Peter's Chair and Baldacchino

At the Top of the Dome

St Peter's Square, view from the top of the dome

St Peter's Square

St Peter's Square

View from the top

At the top

View from the top of the dome

Statues at the top of the dome

Statues at the top of the dome

Statues at the top of the dome

     The dome of the St Peter’s Basilica is the first thing you go to if you get out of the Vatican Museum. You won’t miss it because of the long waiting line and the guards of the Vatican City. You can see a wonderful view of the whole Vatican City. The dome was designed by many people including Michelangelo and Bramante. It was completed in 1590. In early times, there was only 1 method to make complete domes, and that was how the Florence Duomo was made. Because it was a newer design then the Florence Duomo, so the traffic of climbing the dome is smooth. One way up and the other way down, no traffic jam! On the inside of the dome, there are some mosaics to check out. In my opinion, the dome is not very high up. 

St Peter's Basilica

Dome of Saint Peter's Basilica

Interior of the basilica


Saint Peter's Basilica
At Saint Peter's Basilica

At Saint Peter's Basilica

Interior of the basilica

Interior of the basilica

Interior of the basilica





St Peter's Chair & Baldacchino

Saint Peter's Chair & Baldacchino


Saint Peter's Chair & Baldacchino

Saint Peter's Chair & Baldacchino



Saint Peter's Chair
& Baldacchino
Saint Peter's Chair & Baldacchino

Saint Peter's Chair
& Baldacchino

The Pieta is to the right of the entrance of St Peter’s Basilica. It is covered by a glass wall for protection in case it cracks or someone tries to crack it. The sculpture is the body of Jesus on the lap of his mother Mary after the Crucifixion. Jesus body looks so soft sinking into Mary's arms. And Mary's face looks so young, calm, and beautiful. It was made by Michelangelo in 1498 at the age of 24. This sculpture is  unique from all sculptures made by Michelangelo. Do you know why? Because this sculpture is the only one he signed his name! Why would he do this now? Michelangelo overheard some people chat right after he completed the Pieta, “The Pieta is so amazing. Who made it?” The next day, he signed, “Michelangelus Bonarotus Florentinus Faciebat.” This means, “Michelangelo Buonarroti, the Florentine made this.” He carved this on a fold in the clothes of Mary.

St Peter's Square

Guards of Vatican City at St Peter's Basilica entrance

Guards of Vatican City

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

At St Peter's Square

     St Peter's Square is a large square which was built twice. It was redesigned by Bernini between 1656 and 1667. An Egyptian obelisk stands in the center of the square! It was transferred from Egypt and then to Alexandria and then to Rome and then to Vatican. It has traveled a lot.

St Peter’s Basilica and Square were both grand. The basilica was cool and high with many builders constantly adding to the basilica. The Pieta was nice with a lot of different highlights. The square was awesome with a lot of sculptures on the top of the buildings. I wish I could go there again.

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