Saturday, June 9, 2018

Italy Day 3 - Rome Day 3 Part 3 by Aaron, Ponte Sant'Angelo 圣天使桥, Piazza del Popolo 人民广场, Pincio Promenade, Spanish Steps 西班牙台阶, Trevi Fountain 许愿泉, Piazza Barbernini 贝尼尼广场

Rome Day 3
One Night in Rome
Ponte Sant'Angelo, Piazza del Popolo, Pincian Hill, Spanish Steps, Trevi Fountain, Piazza Barberini

~ Aaron

One night in Rome
Pincio Promenade, Spanish Steps
Trevi Fountain, Piazza Barberini

     I had a great time this night in Rome. The Ponte Sant'Angelo had many angel statues. The Piazza del Popolo was a place for executing people, which ended in 1826. The Pincian Hill overlooks all of the Piazza del Popolo. The Spanish Steps are very famous. We also saw 2 fabulous fountains this night. This was an excellent time.

Castel Sant'Angelo & Ponte Sant'Angelo

Walking Towards Castel Sant'Angelo

Saint Peter's Basilica at far

Close to the bridge

Arrived at the Castel Sant' Angelo

At the Castel Sant' Angelo

At the bridge

At the Castel Sant' Angelo

10 Angel Statues at Ponte Sant Angelo

Angel statue on the bridge

Angel statue on the bridge

Angel statue on the bridge

Angel statue on the bridge

Angel statue on the bridge

Angel statue on the bridge

Angel statue on the bridge

Angel statue on the bridge

Angel statue on the bridge

Angel statue on the bridge

 Statue of St Peter & St Paul at the End of the Bridge

St Paul statue holding a broken sword
& a book

St Peter statue holding a book

At Ponte Sant'Angelo
Castel Sant'Angelo at back

Walking Towards Piazza del Popolo

Tiber River

A tour boat on Tiber River

At Tiber River

A building along the Tiber River

Tiber River, St Peter Basilica at far

Tiber River

Tiber River, St Peter Basilica at far

A church on the way
Inside the church

All kinds of pizza selling by weight

My yummy pizza

Public water fountain all around the city

     The Ponte Sant'Angelo was designed by Bernini. However, only 2 of the 10 statues of angels were actually made by Bernini. They were the Angel with the Crown of Thorns and the Angel with the Superscription. Pope Climent IX liked them so much he kept them for himself, so the current ones on the bridge are replicas. A full list of the statues' names are the Angel with the Column, the Whips, the Crown of Thorns, Veronica's Veil, Garment and Dice, Nails, Cross, Superscription, Sponge, and Lance.

Piazza del Popolo

Almost there

Piazza del Popolo
Piazza del Popolo

Basilica of Santa Maria de Popolo

Basilica of Santa Maria de Popolo

Basilica of Santa Maria de Popolo
Interior of the church

Basilica of Santa Maria de Popolo

Basilica of Santa Maria de Popolo

Basilica of Santa Maria de Popolo

Egyptian Obelisk of Sety I

The Egyptian Obelisk

The Egyptian Obelisk

The Egyptian Obelisk

The Egyptian Obelisk

The Egyptian Obelisk

The fountain at the
bottom of the obelisk

At the fountain

At the fountain

At the fountain

     The Piazza del Popolo literally means People's Square in Italian, but it was initially named after the poplars. The current piazza today was designed from 1811 to 1822 by Giuseppe Valadier. An Egyptian obelisk of Sety I stands high in the center of the Piazza. There are fountains on the east and west side, 1 each, and at the center of the piazza are 4 fountains made of sculpted lions surrounding the obelisk. The Piazza was initially designed to be the first thing people saw when they came to Rome, before trains existed.

The Pincian Hill

The Pincian Hill
Sunset at the Pincian Hill

Sunset at the Pincian Hill

Sunset at the Pincian Hill

Sunset at the Pincian Hill

Sunset at the Pincian Hill




Sunset at the Pincian Hill

Sunset at the Pincian Hill

Sunset at the Pincian Hill

Sunset at the Pincian Hill

     The Pincian Hill was also designed by Giuseppe Valadier, and it gives a magnificent view of the Piazza del Popolo. In Roman times, this hill was known as the Hill of Gardens. It is named after the Pincii, a family who lived on the hill in the fourth century AD. On top of the Pincian Hill is another obelisk, but this one is Roman, not Egyptian, built under Hadrian. The Pincian Hill is also a great place to watch the sunset and sunrise.

Night at The Spanish Steps

Trinita dei Monti

The church Trinita dei Monti

Trinita dei Monti

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps
Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps

The Boat Fountain 

The Boat Fountain
The Boat Fountain

The Boat Fountain

The Boat Fountain

Column of the Immaculate Conception

Between Spanish Steps & Trevi Fountain

Column of the Immaculate
Conception. On the top,
the blessed Virgin Mary
carrying a wealth of flowers

At the column

At the column

     The Spanish Steps are built between the Piazza di Spagna and Piazza Trinita dei Monti. The Piazza di Spagna has a fountain of a longboat, which is often said to have been made by Pietro Bernini, father of Gian Bernini. The Spanish Steps was designed by Francesco de Sanctis, although it is thought that Alessandro Specchi made the winning entry. The Spanish Steps are constantly repaired, and the most recent one was in 2016. It was made famous by the movie Roman Holidays.

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain

     The Trevi fountain is the largest Baroque style fountain in Rome, and one of the most famous fountains in the whole world. The designer was Nicola Salvi, but he died, and Giuseppe Pannini finished the fountain. 

The Barberini Piazza

At Barberini piazza

At Barberini piazza
At Barberini piazza

      The Barberini piazza was built in the 16th century. In the Piazza Barberini, a large Triton fountain was made right in the middle, made by Bernini. Until the 18th century, unknown dead human bodies were shown at the piazza for identification. 

     This was an awesome night in Rome. The Ponte Sant'Angelo was beautiful. The obelisk in the Piazza del Popolo towers over many things in the surrounding area. The Pincian Hill gives a great view of Piazza del Popolo. The Spanish Steps were made in the 1700s. The Trevi fountainand and the Triton fountain are 2 large fountains in Rome. I wish I could see these places some more times!

Water fountain at street

All kinds of pasta in shapes
All kinds of pasta in shapes


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