Sunday, June 10, 2018

Italy Day 4 - Rome Day 4 Part 3 by Aaron, Pantheon, Spanish Steps, Piazza Navona, Trevi Fountain, Piazza Barberini

Pantheon, Spanish Steps, Piazza Navona, Trevi Fountain, Piazza Barberini

~ Aaron

Pantheon, The Ugly Boat Fountain at Spanish Steps
Fontana del Quattro Fiumi, Church of St. Agnes

     The Pantheon and the Fountain of the Four Rivers were both very awesome. The Pantheon is based off of very detailed math. The Fountain of the Four Rivers has many wonderful sculptures. We ate delicious food during this night. These places were fun places to spend time.


Walking towards Pantheon

Obelisk in front of Pantheon

Obelisk in front of Pantheon






At the entrance

At the entrance
At the entrance

At the entrance

Interior of Pantheon
Interior of Pantheon
interior of Pantheon

Interior of Pantheon

Interior of Pantheon

Interior of Pantheon

A light rain just washed Pantheon

Raphael's tomb in Pantheon
Raphael's tomb

Raphael's tomb at left cornor
of Pantheon

Dome of Pantheon
Dome of Pantheon
Dome of Pantheon

Dome of Pantheon

Dome of Pantheon

Dome of Pantheon &
my family of four

Dome of Pantheon
Pantheon at night

Pantheon at night

Pantheon at night
     Most domes in the modern world are designed after the Pantheon dome, just without the hole. The Pantheon was rebuilt 2 times, and the most recent was by the emperor Hadrian. During medieval times, most of the bronze in the Pantheon and the exterior marble was used for other purposes. It is blatant that the Pantheon was designed through extensive mathematics. The dome of the Pantheon is a perfect hemisphere and the height is exactly half of the overall height of the Pantheon. The hole is just enough so that on special days, the sun would travel exactly across the line that splits the Pantheon in half.

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps

Spanish Steps
Spanish Steps

Bernini's Boat Fountain
at the bottom
of Spanish Steps
Bernini's Boat Fountain

Column of the Immaculate Conception

Column of the Immaculate ConceptionOn the top, blessed Virgin Mary carrying a wealth of flowers
At the column

At the column

At the column

At the column

Santa Maria Maddalena Basilica

Santa Maria Maddalena Basilica

Interior of the basilica

Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona
Piazza Navona

Piazza Navona

Chiesa di S. Agnese in Agone

Chiesa di S. Agnese in Agone
Four River Fountain
at Piazza Navona

The basilica and the fountain

Borromini's design of the dome



At the basilica

Interior of basilica

Interior of the basilica

Interior of basilica

Statue of Saint Sebastion, the work of Pietro Polo Fields, 1719

Interior of basilica

Interior of basilica

Fountain of the Four Rivers

Fountain of the Four Rivers and obelisk
At the fountain

Fountain of the Four Rivers

Ganges representing Asia

Ganges representing Asia

Nile representing Africa

Rio de la Plata representing Americas

Danube representing Europe

At the fountain

Neptune Fountain

Neptune Fountain at the Piazza Navona

Fontana dei Moro

Fontana dei Moro

Fontana dei Moro at the Piazza Navona

Bernini's design of
this fountain

     The design for the Fountain of the Four Rivers came from Bernini, who won the contest for the design of the fountain. It is called the Fountain of the Four Rivers because there are 4 rivers, 1 river representing each of the Americas, Africa, Europe, and Asia. The rivers are the Ganges in India for Asia, the Nile in Egypt for Africa, the Danube in Italy for Europe, and the Rio de la Plata in the borderline between Uruguay and Argentina for the Americas. The rivers all have features that set them apart; the Ganges is holding an oar because it is easy to navigate, the Nile has a cloth covering its face because no one knew its origin at the time, the Danube is touching the Pope’s personal coat of arms because it is the large river closest to Rome, and the Rio de la Plata is sitting on gold coins symbolizing the wealth of the Americas.

     The food in Rome was delicious too. We ate bread dipped in olive oil, 2 kinds of pasta, and margarita pizza. In other places, we ate gelato, which is an Italian specialty. There can be many different flavors.

     The Pantheon and the Fountain of the Four Rivers are both very beautiful. It is hard to believe that Romans from such a long time ago were able to do the intricate calculations needed to built the Pantheon. The Fountain of the Four Rivers is a classical example of a Baroque style fountain. There was scrumptious food too. I wish this night had never ended!

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain

The Trevi Fountain

Piazza Barberini

he fountain at Piazza Barberini

Piazza Barberini

Della Palma - Gelato chain store
40 years with 150 kinds

At Della Palma




All kinds of raw meat &
fish ready to cook



Street performer
 Street performer

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