Friday, June 8, 2018

Italy Day 2 - Rome Day 2 Part 1 by Aaron, Herculaneum 赫克兰尼姆


~ Aaron

Colorful Wall Paintings, Mosaic, and Treasures
Morning walk at Herculaneum

     Welcome to the Vesuvian archaeological area, Herculaneum! It is an open-air museum to give people a glimpse into the daily life of the town's ancient inhabitants. The city was built on a volcanic plateau. Herculaneum was named after Hercules. In 79 AD, Herculaneum was buried by Vesuvius. It is in better condition than Pompeii, but not as famous. The boathouse gives a view of how many people died that day in Herculaneum. This was a very interesting place.

     The Mount Vesuvius eruption of 79 AD is very famous. It is likely that an earthquake about 20 years before the eruption caused the eruption. Herculaneum was actually one of the the first cities to get covered and destroyed. It was buried too quickly for many of the things inside to deteriorate. Pompeii was covered more slowly, so some things inside have not been preserved. Herculaneum and Pompeii were not the only cities to be destroyed by the eruption, but they are the most famous two. The city looks just like the population just left a few years ago.

     Herculaneum seems as if it only aged a few years, but the eruption that destroyed it was over 2000 years ago. Herculaneum was richer than Pompeii, so the homes were fancier than the homes in Pompeii. As in many Roman cities, there is a theater, a basilica, fountains, a temple, baths, and houses. The paintings on the walls are still in color, and the mosaics are still on the floor. All of the pillars are still standing up straight. The stone is still smooth. Almost none of the buildings have fallen apart.

     The boathouse is near the exit of the Herculaneum site. It was also where the ancient shoreline used to be. At first sight, over 100 skeletons are in the boathouse. Before the boathouse was found, it was thought that most inhabitants had escaped from the volcano, as the excavation did not turn up many skeletons in other places. About 300 skeletons were found in the boathouses alone. It’s sad thinking about how the people had been waiting for the boats' return to save them when they died.

     Herculaneum is a historic place. Vesuvius buried Herculaneum in such deep ash that Herculaneum is well-preserved. Herculaneum is not as crowded as Pompeii, and yet I believe that Herculaneum’s artifacts look better. The boathouse in Herculaneum gives an idea of just how many people couldn’t make it out of Herculaneum. Herculaneum is full of artifacts from ancient Roman times in excellent quality.

At Roma Termini Train Station

At Termini

Train to Napoli 

Train to Napoli

On the train to Napoli


Ham & Cheese Sanwitch

My little breakfast

Walking towards entrance to Herculaneum

Herculaneum, view from entrance

Entrance view 

Entrance view

Entrance view

Entrance view 

Entrance view

Terrace of Marcus Nonius Balbus 

Terrace of Marcus Nonius Balbus
Boathouse at the bottom

Herculaneum Archaeology Area

Walking down to the site 

Walking down to the site

See how deep
was burried 


Colorful wall painting
at a house 


House kichen

House decoration

House decoration 
House decoration

House decoration

Ancient stairs





A Church 
Interior of church

Inside the church

Church exterior needs some support 

Inside the church

Hall of Augustals

Entering hall

At the center of the hall

Interior of hall

Interior wall paingting
Interior of the hall

Interior of the hall

An Imperial Cult Building - Augusteum

Carving at entrance of Augusteum

Carving at entrance of Augusteum

Entrance of Augusteum


Colorful wall painting at Augusteum 


Kichen of Augusteum 

Decoration of Augusteum

Statue of Augusteum

On the Path


House pillar 

Wall painting of a house

Mosaic of a house floor

Water fountain

Water fountain

Samnite House

Water collector at house entrance

Interior of the house 

Colorful wall painting

Interior of the house

Casa di Nettune e Antitrite

House of Neptune & Amphitrite Restoration

Interior of the house 

Interior of the house

Interior of the house

Interior of the house

Interior of the house 

Interior of the house

Statues found in the house
all copies, original were put
at Museum of Napoli

Interior of the house 

Interior of the house 

Restoration of the house

Restoration of the house


Exterior of the house

Interior of the house 

At the house

At the house

Casa de Cervi

Water collector
at house entrance

Interior of house

Statue of house 

Back yard of house

Statue at garden

Statue at garden

At backyard 
At backyard

At house 

Interior of house

Protected wall painting

Interior of house 

Protected wall painting
Wall decorations

Terrace of Marcus Nonius Balbus

Altar of Marcus Nonius Balbus 

At the altar

At the altar 
At the altar

At the terrace

At the terrace

At the terrace

Boat House

At boathouse

At boat house

At boat house

Walking towards exit of Herculaneum

Walking out

Copies of major statues
at the exit


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