Sunday, December 3, 2017

GuangXi - Yangshuo 阳朔 Day 2 by Aaron - Silver Cave (Stalactite Grotto) 银子岩, Ten Mile Gallery 十里画廊, Yulong River 遇龙河

Yangshuo 阳朔 Day 2

Silver Cave (Stalactite Grotto) 银子岩, Ten Mile Gallery 十里画廊, Yulong River 遇龙河

~ Aaron

Trip to Asia: Day 1 - Seoul / Hong Kong
Day 2 - Hong Kong
Day 3 - Macau / Zhuhai
Day 4 - Yangshuo
Day 5 - Guilin
Day 6 - Beihai
Day 7 - Sanya
Day 8 - Sanya
Day 9 - Sanya
Day 10 - Sanya
Day 11 - Haikou
Day 12 - Zhuhai
Day 13 - Hong Kong / Seoul
Day 14 - Seoul

Yangshuo day 1: West Street, Silver Cave, The Mile Gallery, Yulong River

Silver Cave, Ten Mile Gallery

     This 2nd day in Yangshuo was very nice. We visited the Silver Cave. We also walked on the Ten Mile Gallery. The Yulong River was very large. Yangshuo was a very amazing place.

The Silver Cave 银子岩

Waiting at bus stop
bus ride to Silver Cave
Going down further in cave
Wine 银子岩藏酒


Touching water
dripping down from rocks

Peacock 孔雀迎宾

Ice world in south China


Music Stone Screen

Music Stone Screen

Monks discuss sutra 众僧论经



Reflection Pool 镜湖

Reflection Pool 镜湖

Reflection Pool 镜湖

Reflection Pool 镜湖













Silkworm chrysalis 蚕蛹 

Red pepper

Lipu Taro 荔浦芋头

     The Silver Cave is full of wonderful rock formations. As its name suggests, it is a cave, in the side of a mountain. It is called the Silver Cave because minerals inside the rock in the cave give it a silver look. Lights inside the cave illuminate the darkness, and how the beautiful rock formations on the ceiling and the floor. Some rocks look like peacocks, ice worlds, and people.

Ten Mile Gallery 十里画廊

At the entrance, map of Ten Mile Gallery

Walking on Ten Mile Gallery

Ten Mile Gallery

At the Moon Mountain

At the Moon Mountain

At the Moon Mountain

Walking on Ten Mile Gallery

Walking on Ten Mile Gallery

Walking on Ten Mile Gallery

Fruit pick field

An old man walking
with stick

Gold Water Cave 金水岩

Yangshuo Welcomes You

At the sign Yangshuo Welcome You

Flowers bloom on tree

Flowers bloom on tree

Flowers bloom on tree

Ten Mile Gallery

Ten Mile Gallery

Crops growing at
Ten Mile Gallery


Yam cake

Yam cake

Rice in bamboo sticks

Enjoy the light rain
while waiting for taxi

Enjoy the light rain

At Ten Mile Gallery 阳朔欢迎您
     The Ten Mile Gallery is literally a gallery that can only be walked through, and is 10 miles long. All the scenery viewed from the gallery makes the walk worth it though. You can see many of the characteristic karst of the Yangshuo area. There are also more caves along the gallery, but none of them can match the Silver Cave. Many landmarks of Yangshuo can be viewed from walking along the road.

Yulong River 遇龙河

Yulong River

Yulong River

Bamboo rafts on Yulong River

Yulong River

Yulong River

A bridge over Yulong River

Yulong River

Yulong River

Yulong River

     The Yulong River is a very impressive sight. The river is about 43 kilometers long. The name Yulong comes from the Chinese for “meeting a dragon”. Legend says that a dragon was went into the Yulong River, and was impressed by the sight. The dragon decided to stay there, and the people on the riverbank saw the dragon a few times, giving it its name.

     This was an excellent day in Yangshuo. The Silver Cave has lots of natural beauty. The Ten Mile Gallery offers some of the best views of Yangshuo landmarks. The Yulong River is probably the most famous river in Yangshuo. I wish this day had never ended!


Our hotel Flower Inn 花栖客栈

Mountain view
from our hotel

Flowers at our hotel

Flowers at our hotel

Plants at our hotel





The beautiful scenic area in movie was Yangshuo

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