Sunday, December 3, 2017

GuangXi - Yangshuo 阳朔 Day 1 by Aaron - Bamboo Rafts Drifting at Li River 漓江漂流 (兴坪),Xingping Old Town 兴坪古镇,Yangshuo West Street 阳朔西街

Yangshuo 阳朔 Day 1

Bamboo Rafts Drifting at Li River 漓江漂流 (兴坪),Xingping Old Town 兴坪古镇,Yangshuo West Street 阳朔西街

~ Aaron

Trip to Asia: Day 1 - Seoul / Hong Kong
Day 2 - Hong Kong
Day 3 - Macau / Zhuhai
Day 4 - Yangshuo
Day 5 - Guilin
Day 6 - Beihai
Day 7 - Sanya
Day 8 - Sanya
Day 9 - Sanya
Day 10 - Sanya
Day 11 - Haikou
Day 12 - Zhuhai
Day 13 - Hong Kong / Seoul
Day 14 - Seoul
Zhuhai to Yangshuo by high speed train,

bus ride to Xingping

bus ride to Yangshuo West Street

Bamboo rafts drifting at Li River

    My first day in Yangshuo was a very fun place. We rode a boat along the Li River Scenic Area. The entire scenery at Yangshuo and the surrounding area is unique due to the Guilin Karst Hills. The food in Yangshuo is delicious. West Street is a major shopping destination. This was a fun day in Yangshuo.

Li River 漓江 Scenic Area

Li River

RMB 20 dollar bill background of Li River

RMB 20 dollar bill background
Li River

Li River

Bamboo raft

Bamboo raft
At Bamboo raft wharf

RMB 20 dollar bill background of Li River
At Bamboo raft wharf

RMB 20 dollar bill background of Li River

Li River

Li River

Li River


Li River

Li River

Li River

Li River

Li River

Gold Ingot 元宝山
Gold Ingot 元宝山

Mitten Mountain 手套山

Li River

Nine-horse Mountain 九马画山

Left: Dolphin Mountain
Right: Nine-horse Mountain

Left: Dolphin Mountain 海豚山
Right: Nine-horse Mountain 九马画山

Osprey 鱼鹰 / 鸬鹚

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Nine-horse Mountain 九马画山
     The Li River Scenic Area is a stretch of land filled with beautiful scenery. There are many Guilin Karst Hills around the river. How many horses can you find in this picture out of the 9 horses in this picture total? The boat was also awesome. It was meant to imitate traditional bamboo boats. The hills around Yangshuo are special, as they are large karst formations. They suddenly rise up, and suddenly go down. This causes the scenery in all of Yangshuo to be extremely popular.

Xingping Old Town 兴坪古镇

Xingping old town

Xingping old town

Xingping old town

Xingping old town

Xingping old town
A house at Xingping old town

Granny playing

Chestnuts 糖炒栗子


Hot red pepper

Fried fish

Fried Fish of Li River

Shatian Pomelo
沙田柚 super sweet

Wusheng Temple 古戏台

Wusheng Temple
Wusheng Temple

Plants growing on a wall

Wusheng Temple
The flood line that happened on July 2nd, 2017
is over my head. Some roads are still under construction.


Beer Fish 啤酒鱼

Beer Fish 啤酒鱼

Stuffed snail 田螺酿

Guilin rice noodle, fried

Guilin rice noodle
in soup


     There is tons of good food in Yangshuo. One of the most famous dishes is the Beer Fish. It is a way of cooking fresh Li Jiang carp. Another Yangshuo dish is the Guilin Rice Noodles, which are made from rice flour and oil. Meat stuffed snails is a tasty dish. The snails are river snails found in the Li River.

West Street, Yangshuo 阳朔西街

At West Street, Yangshuo 阳朔西街

At West Street

At West Street

At West Street

Ginger candy
At West Street

At West Street

At West Street

At West Street

At West Street

Passion fruit

Our hotel Flower Inn 花栖客栈
at West Street, Yangshuo

     West Street is always very popular. West Street is the oldest street in Yangshuo, with a history of roughly 1,500 years. Many of the shops at the West Street only offered food. It was heavily raining while we were at West Street, yet there were still tons of people buying stuff! We saw some hot pot stores, candy stores, and more!

     This day in Yangshuo was exciting. The Li River Scenic Area and all of the scenery at and around Yangshuo was great. There was a lot of diversity in the food of Yangshuo. West Street is crowded, even when it’s raining. This was a fantastic day!

Boat Song

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