Sunday, December 3, 2017

GuangXi - Yangshuo 阳朔 Day 1 by Gordon - Bamboo Rafts Drifting at Li River 漓江漂流 (兴坪),Xingping Old Town 兴坪古镇,Yangshuo West Street 阳朔西街

Yangshuo 阳朔 Day 1

Bamboo rafts drifting at Li River 漓江漂流 (兴坪),Xingping Old Town 兴坪古镇,Yangshuo West Street 阳朔西街

~ Gordon

Trip to Asia: Day 1 - Seoul / Hong Kong
Day 2 - Hong Kong
Day 3 - Macau / Zhuhai
Day 4 - Yangshuo
Day 5 - Guilin
Day 6 - Beihai
Day 7 - Sanya
Day 8 - Sanya
Day 9 - Sanya
Day 10 - Sanya
Day 11 - Haikou
Day 12 - Zhuhai
Day 13 - Hong Kong / Seoul
Day 14 - Seoul
Zhuhai to Yangshuo by high speed train,
bus ride to Xingping
bus ride to Yangshuo West Street

Bamboo rafts drifting at Li River

Early morning train

    Yangshuo was fun for anyone who likes water, pretty scenery, good food, and nice popular street. Li River highlights the karst mountains and river sights.  The bamboo boats were quick and stable. The food was really tasty, and given in good amounts. West Street was really crowded, has many good food and a lot of people.

Li River

Chinese $20 bill background
Li River

Li River

Chinese $20 bill background

Bamboo raft
on Li River

Chinese $20 bill background on Li River
At bamboo raft wharf

Chinese $20 bill background
At bamboo raft wharf

Li River

Li River

Thumb Mountain 拇指山


Li River

Li River

Li River

Li River

Li River

Gold Ingot 元宝山
Gold Ingot 元宝山

Li River

Li River

Mitten Mountain

Dolphin Mountain

Nine-horse Mountain 九马画山

Left: Dolphin Mountain, Right: Nine-horse Mountain

Osprey 鱼鹰 / 鸬鹚

Osprey of Li River
Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Osprey of Li River

Nine-horse Mountain 九马画山
     Li River is famous in China. Li River is amazingly 83 kilometers long. Its green water and green mountains forms very beautiful scenery, which always looks like traditional Chinese painting. Li River flows all the way from Guilin to Yangshuo. Did you know that Chinese $20 bill’s picture is Li River at this exact point? Every tourist took the picture at the spot, holding the $20 bill. There is a bamboo boat that you can ride, and not to disappoint you, it is not made of bamboo. It is made of metal now, covered in blue paint. At the end of the bamboo boat ride, we reached the famous 9-horse mountain. With the ways trees growing, people can spot 9 horses run on the mountain. Good luck finding all 9 horses!

Xingping Old Town

Xingping Old Town

Xingping Old Town

Xingping Old Town

Xingping Old Town

Xingping Old Town

Granny playing

Xingping Old Town

Plants grow from wall
Chestnuts 糖炒栗子 


Fried fish from Li River

Hot red pepper

Shatian Pomelo 沙田柚

Shatian Pomelo 沙田柚

Wusheng Temple 古戏台

Wusheng Temple 古戏台

Wusheng Temple 古戏台
Wusheng Temple

Flood line on July 2, 2017
at Xingping

Flood line higher than me
Roads still under construction
Come visit Xingping
& help Xingping

Yangshuo West Street

West Street, Yangshuo

West Street
West Street

West Street

West Street

West Street

Beer Fish 啤酒鱼

Beer Fish

Fried Guilin rice noodle 桂林炒米粉

Guilin rice noodle
in soup

Stuffed snail


Passion fruit

Our lovely hotel at West Street
Flower Inn 花栖客栈

At our hotel at West Street

     West Street is the oldest street in Yangshuo with a history of more than 1,400 years. Because of the location at the center of Yangshuo County, the street has become popular. There are a lot of good food, such as Beer Fish and sweet snail meat, and other cool dishes. The fish and snails are from local Li River. West street was nice with the amazing food.

          Yangshuo was cool with Li River, green mountains, yummy food, the crowds and popular Yangshuo West Street. The bamboo boat ride on Li River was unique. We saw different shapes of mountains. The food was really tasty. I like the snails the best. West Street was so prosperous. One more thing I like to mention about is our cozy hotel Flower Inn. As the name mentions, it has tons of flowers decoration. The owner of the hotel must like flowers a lot. Yangshuo, I wish I could stay longer to explore your beauty.

Boat Song by Teresa Teng

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