Sunday, December 3, 2017

Hainan - Sanya 三亚 Day 3 by Aaron - Boundary Island 分界洲岛

Sanya 三亚 Day 3

Boundary Island 分界洲岛

~ Aaron

Trip to Asia: Day 1 - Seoul / Hong Kong
Day 2 - Hong Kong
Day 3 - Macau / Zhuhai
Day 4 - Yangshuo
Day 5 - Guilin
Day 6 - Beihai
Day 7 - Sanya
Day 8 - Sanya
Day 9 - Sanya
Day 10 - Sanya
Day 11 - Haikou
Day 12 - Zhuhai
Day 13 - Hong Kong / Seoul
Day 14 - Seoul
Sanya Bay, Boundary Island

Boundary Island

At the Port

At the port
At the port

At the port

At the port

Manta ray

Manta ray

At the port

At the port

Boundary Island was a very fun place. The beach in the bay was very exciting. The sea life beside the shore is amazing. The scenery from the top of the Boundary Island was nice. The location of the Boundary Island is also interesting. This was an excellent day in Boundary Island.

At the Beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach
Boat repair

Tea time

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

     The beach of Boundary Island has very fine sand. The beach there is also littered with pieces of dead coral. It is very fun the build sand castles there, because you can use pieces of coral to add decoration to the castle. The water in the beach is also not very deep, so you can splash around. This was a good beach.

At the lighthouse

At the lighthouse

At the lighthouse

At the lighthouse
At the lighthouse

At the lighthouse

At the lighthouse

At the lighthouse
Crab on rocks

Crab on rocks

Crab on rocks

Crab on rocks

Fish crawling on rocks

School of fish

Fish, clams
& crabs on rocks

School of fish

People practice diving in the distance

People practice diving in the distance

     The sea life beside the shore consists of several species. There are manta rays gliding through the water. School of fish swim right next to the rocks. Crabs scuttle across flat rocks. Barnacles cling to rocks with waves pounding on them. It was fun watching the sea life.

Mountain Top

分界洲岛 sign stone curving
at mountain top

分界洲岛 sign stone curving

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top
官帽山 gate

At mountain top

At mountain top
At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top

At mountain top
At mountain top

     The scenery from the top of Boundary Island is breathtaking. You can see the aqua water from the top. The path up the mountain is covered by leaves, so the hike up is not very hot. There are also more views along the trail up. The location of the Boundary Island is unique. It is almost directly beside the Tropic Cancer, to the north of the Equator. This causes the water to be warm, while the temperature is very cool.

     Boundary Island was amazing. The beach was very fantastic. The sea life is something very interesting to watch. The scenery and the location of the Boundary Island are stupendous. This was one of the best days I ever had!

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