Sunday, December 3, 2017

GuangXi - Beihai 北海 (North Sea) by Gordon - Silver Beach 银滩,Old Street 北海老街,Post Office from Qing Dynasty 大清邮局北海分局

Beihai 北海 (North Sea)

Silver Beach 银滩,Old Street 北海老街,Post Office from Qing Dynasty 大清邮局北海分局

~ Gordon

Trip to Asia: Day 1 - Seoul / Hong Kong
Day 2 - Hong Kong
Day 3 - Macau / Zhuhai
Day 4 - Yangshuo
Day 5 - Guilin
Day 6 - Beihai
Day 7 - Sanya
Day 8 - Sanya
Day 9 - Sanya
Day 10 - Sanya
Day 11 - Haikou
Day 12 - Zhuhai
Day 13 - Hong Kong / Seoul
Day 14 - Seoul
Silver Beach, Beihai Old Street

Playing with Sea Animal at Silver Beach, North Sea

     Beihai is a special place. The Chinese meaning of Beihai is the North Sea. Yes, it is the biggest city beside the North Sea. And it is close to Vietnam. There is a huge Vietnam village in town, which is famous for Vietnam goods and food.  Beihai Old Street 北海老街, located on the intersection of Beihai Street-Zhuhai Road, is more than 100-year-old. Silver Beach 银滩 was also nice, with cool gray sands. Lot of sea creatures at the beach are waiting to be discovered.

Old Street 北海老街

Maps of Old Street

At Old Street

Vietnam store at Old Street

At Old Street

At Old Street

At Old Street

At Old Street

At Old Street

At Old Street

Fried seafood


Fried squid balls


BBQ fish

BBQ scallops

BBQ Oyster

BBQ Oyster

Pearl in clam

Pearl in clam

Post Office from Qing Dynasty 大清邮局

Post Office from Qing Dynasty 大清邮局



     Old Street, was founded in 1883, 1.44 kilometers long. Most of these buildings are two to three floors, mainly built in the end of the 19th century. There are many buildings which are western styled.

Silver Beach 银滩

Iconic statue of Silver Beach

Iconic statue of Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach
At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach
At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach
At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

At Silver Beach

     Silver Beach is pretty.  It got its name from the fine and white sand. It is known as the First Beach of China. Guess what, there is no sharks!  The water is clean, which means no pollution. If you are lucky, you can find many shells of creatures, alive or dead!

Digging Peanut Worms 挖沙虫

Digging peanut worms at Silver Beach

Life peanut worms
at restaurant
    Sipunculus nudus, also known as peanut worms, live in the Silver Beach. The pattern of its skin looks like a peanut. The peanut worm is for underwater but can survive above water too. We use shovels to catch them. We ate peanut worms at a restaurant. You may eat the peanut worms alive, steam, or fried.


Steamed peanut worms 清蒸沙虫

Steamed rock cod 清蒸石斑

     Bei Hai was fun with many amazing places. The Old Street was fascinating with a lot of ancient history, over 100 years! A post office for Qing Dynasty is located at the end of the street. Silver Beach was pretty with its silver sands and lots of shell creatures to play. The peanut worms are special to Beihai. You cannot find them anywhere else in China.

Boats at Seashore

Beside Silver Beach

Beside Silver Beach

Beside Silver Beach

Beside Silver Beach
Beside Silver Beach

On the Road, Beihai to Sanya

Going for a boat ride to Haikou

Boat arrived at Haikou 新海港

Our original plan was to get on Weizhou Island, a dead volcanic island nearby Beihai. There is a beautiful church over hundreds of years old built by coral bricks on the island. But due to Typhoon from Vietnam, all the boat to Weizhou Island were forbidden until further notice. We must save the Weizhou Island trip to next time. Plan changed! Let’s go to Sanya, south further to enjoy the sun, the beach again.

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