Sunday, December 3, 2017

Hainan - Sanya 三亚 Day 3 by Gordon - Boundary Island 分界洲岛

Sanya 三亚 Day 3

Boundary Island 分界洲岛

~ Gordon

Trip to Asia: Day 1 - Seoul / Hong Kong
Day 2 - Hong Kong
Day 3 - Macau / Zhuhai
Day 4 - Yangshuo
Day 5 - Guilin
Day 6 - Beihai
Day 7 - Sanya
Day 8 - Sanya
Day 9 - Sanya
Day 10 - Sanya
Day 11 - Haikou
Day 12 - Zhuhai
Day 13 - Hong Kong / Seoul
Day 14 - Seoul

Sanya Bay, Boundary Island

Boundary Island

At the Port

At the port

At the port

At the port
At the port

At the port

At the port

Manta ray

Manta ray

     Boundary Island is one of the popular tour in Sanya. Here we come, Boundary Island, with a little bit of tour bus, plus a half an hour ferry ride. Boundary Island has many attractions that are beautiful. Boundary island is called its current name because it is right next to the boundary of the Tropics and the Temperate, 23.5 degrees north latitude. Boundary Island was fun for a small island.

Northern Region

分界洲岛 stone curving

分界洲岛 stone curving

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region
Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

Northern region

     The temperature is higher on the south of the island then the northern region. The south has beach with peaceful waves while the north has cliffs with big rocks and huge waves. The high mountain on the north side blocks most rain. You may be experiencing sunny at south beach and raining on the north mountain. We were lucky to have a sunny joyful day.

At the Lighthouse

At the lighthouse

At the lighthouse

At the lighthouse
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At the lighthouse

Fish and crabs on rocks

Fish and crabs on rocks

Crab on rock

Crabs on rock

Crab on rock

Fish crawling on rock

Fish crawling on rock

School of fish

School of fish

School of fish

People practice diving at far

     Near the lighthouse, where no tourists seem around, I saw some fish and crab crawling on huge rocks. There was an entire school of fish which you might mistake as seaweed. Far away, people are practicing their diving skills.

Southern Region

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach
Tea time

Boat repairing

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

     There was also a coral beach at south bay. It is special because you can find multi-colored coral. The beach was full of coral and when you step on a beach, your foot hurts. Sadly, these corals are all dead. It was nice to swim in the sea. We also got to build a humongous sandcastle. It was a hot day and I felt good.

     Boundary Island was fun. The coral beach was awesome, and when you climb up the mountain, you can see the ocean in colors. The ocean border line of Tropics and Temperate is easy to spot. Boundary Island was a cool island in Sanya.

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