Monday, August 25, 2014

Beijing - Grandma's Birthday

7/3/2014 Beijing, Grandma’s birthday (姥姥生日)

grandma's birthday cake


Grandma was happy on her birthday.  It was grandma’s 74th one. We first went to Da Ya Li restaurant and ate dinner. Then we returned and had dessert, which was her birthday cake. We lit up the candles and sang the Happy Birthday song. Grandma blew out the flames on the candles before  we took turns wearing the birthday hat. We ate up the delicious cake. Grandma’s birthday was excellent.

On a rainy day, it was our grandma’s birthday. Everybody decided to buy a cake for her. We all agree to have a healthy cake. On the cake was fruits. When we ate it, it was delicious. It even had whipped cream on it.  There were corn bread under the whipped cream. Everybody took a turn to wear the birthday crown. When the light was closed, the candle lit the cake up. It was beautiful. We sang Chinese birthday song. It was such a fun day for a birthday.

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