Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Jiangsu - Sun Yatsen Mausoleum and Ming Xiao Mausoleum , Nanjing 南京中山陵,明孝陵

6/13/2014  Nanjing, Sun Yatsen Mausoleum (中山陵) and Ming Xiao Mausoleum (明孝陵)


entrance of Sun Yatsen Mausoleum
(race, living, rights)
We visited Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum. It was built for people to remember him. Sun Yatsen was the leader of the democracy revolution. His main idea was everything under the sky belongs to everyone. He wanted the right not to be sorted by your race and have a good life (民族, 民生, 民权). People call him the founder of modern China.

392 steps

The mausoleum was located on top of Purple Mountain (紫金山). It’s a long walk from the bottom to the top.  You have to climb up 392 steps and it’s 700 meters high. His tomb has a statue of him. On the top, you can see all the steps and further on, some buildings of Nanjing.

entrance of Ming Xiao Ling

Ming Xiao Ling

Ming Xiao Mausoleum (明孝陵) is the tomb of the first emperor, Zhu Yuanzhang, of the Ming Dynasty. It is quiet and peaceful.


view from bottom to see top

view from top to see bottom
Sun Yatsen’s Mausoleum is a fun place. It is a tomb on a mountain. Can you guess whose? It is Dr. Sun’s tomb. It has 392 steps. Enough to get you tired. You might think nobody has gotten to the top. I have. We went to a building at the very top. Inside was Dr. Sun’s statue with flowers and food. WHAT A TIRED DAY!
Shen Dao
of Ming Xiao Ling
Ming Xiao Mausoleum is a tomb. When I entered I was excited. there were several stone soldier and general statues (神道). They were stone carvings standing  along the path in case there were a robbery. Ming Xiao Mausoleum is a treasure!

Ming Xiao Ling

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