Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Beijing - Beijing Zoo 北京动物园

6/8/2014    Beijing, Beijing Zoo (北京动物园)

The Beijing Zoo is best known for its collection of rare animals endemic to China including the Giant Pandas, which are zoo's most popular animals, the golden snub-nosed monkey, South China Tiger, white-lipped deer, Pere David’s Deer, and Chinese Alligator.


Huang He Mammoth fossils
My most favorite part was when we fed the animals. We fed lots of them like giraffes and raccoons. My mom even tried to feed the giraffes! We also fed giant pandas, I fed an old one while Gordon fed a young one. We walked around the zoo. We went into Penguin Land. We saw lots of penguins and fish. When we saw that there was a reptile gallery we went to check them out. There were snakes, lizards and others. We even got to touch a lizard! My brother probably didn’t think it tickled but it tickled when I touched it. The zoo was fun.

giraffe feeding
Beijing Zoo is interesting. I saw pandas. They eat leaves, carrots, and bamboo. There were lots of pandas. Old pandas can still eat bamboo. Pandas are nice to everybody. Only China has panda bears. I was so happy to see them that I went crazy. We even went to see the special bear cubs. But beware small bear may have sharp claws. When lizards move their feet on my hands, I laughed, ha ha. The zoo was so cool!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! My husband and I are enjoying your pictures and comments. Thanks for sharing!
