Thursday, August 21, 2014

Sichuan - Panda Breeding Center , ChengDu 成都大熊猫繁育研究基地

6/28/2014 Chengdu, Panda Breeding Center (熊猫基地)


panda statue
We went to Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in the morning. It was studying how giant pandas breed. There were some cool statues of bears in the front. We were even lucky enough to see a peacock. When we entered a museum, we saw lots of things about pandas. There was a panda landscape, panda facts, panda pictures and panda skeletons. Pandas are only found in Qinling Mountains in southwest China. Another interesting fact is that the giant pandas roamed the world since the Ice Age.

50g new born panda picture

Did you know that when they are born, they are as small as a rat?

beautiful black swan

After that, we went to Swan Lake. It was full of beautiful black swans, koi fish and male ducks.

Then we saw some pandas: young ones, teenagers, a mom and males.

young panda play with his mom after the afternoon nap
male peacock on roof calling females
A male peacock called out to a female. The female called back and the male spread its tail feathers. Finally, we saw some cute red pandas getting fed along with some hungry peacocks. The Panda Base is the best place I’ve ever been to so far!


On a sunny afternoon we went to a panda base. The panda base is big and beautiful.

helping a panda cub defecate and rinate
Can you believe that a new born panda is as big as a rat! It is so small. Most likely it is hard for them to survive in the wild. This is why the panda breeding base is here.

There are lots of different animals. My favorite one is a male peacock. It opened its tail a little bit, moved its head, walked around, calling females.

panda kindergarten and their bunk bed
There was a panda kindergarten. Some panda sleep in trees. Most sleep in a bunk bed made out of wood. They are all playful. When a panda woke up, it tried to wake up another. If he or she did not success, the panda will go back to sleep. Then it tried again. When the panda who was sleeping got angry, it bit. 

Pandas are cute. They are in danger. Together we can help panda survive!    

panda cub climbing on a tree

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