Thursday, August 21, 2014

SiChuan - Mt Emei 四川峨眉山

6/27/2014 Sichuan, Mt. Emei (峨嵋山)


entrance of Emei
Mt. Emei (峨嵋山) is one of the four famous Sacred Mountains of Buddhism in China. The other 3 mountains are Mt. Wutai (五台山) , Mt. Putuo (普陀山) , and Mt. Jiuhua (九华山) . It is 3099 meters (10167 feet ) high.  We visited Mt. Emei on an early morning. We started at the gate of Mt. Emei.

10 headed Buddha
monkey on a cliff
We climbed the stairs until we reached the cable car station. On the way we saw some monkeys having snacks on the cliff. We took a ride to the Jinding (金顶). When we got to the Jinding, the first thing I noticed was the mist like clouds. We were so high up  that we were in the clouds. We continued to go on until we reached the top which had a giant golden Buddha sitting on an elephant statue. The special thing about the sculpture was that the Buddha had 10 heads and the elephant had 4 heads and 6 tusks per head. Since the clouds were there, we couldn’t get a 100% clear picture of the whole sculpture.

long way back to the bottom of Mt. Emei
After the Jinding, we went back down. It was a very long walk to get to the bottom. Mt. Emei is the most beautiful one among the four Sacred Mountains of Buddhism.


On an early morning, we went to Mt. Emei. It is one of the tallest mountains in China. It was beautiful.
monkeys live on top of the mountain
Mount Emei has some animals. My favorite animal is the monkey. I was amused. How could monkeys live this high? They were playful. The monkeys played games. Here are some, hide and seek, and pee a boo. They swing in trees to play.

10 headed Buddha

My favorite thing is a gigantic Buddha made out of gold. It looks like a king sitting on four elephants. The elephants tusks point in every direction, east, south, west, north. Everything was normal except he king had ten heads. Mount Emei has full of treasures.

beautiful view on top of
the mountain
above the clouds

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