Thursday, July 14, 2016

Taiwan - Hualien 花莲, 太鲁阁 Taroko National Park by Gordon

* Gordon
Hualien, Taroko

Shaka Dang trial entrance

Building rock castles at
Seven Star Lake
Hualien (花蓮)is full of wonderful things. Have you ever went inside a tub of hot spring water? Did you ever see a trail that was carved out of rock or holes on cliffs that look like swallow nests are in them? There's also a super high temple, don't forget the very long suspension bridge and the ocean where you can build rock castles. That's all in one magnificent place called Hualien.

Suspension bridge at Swallow Grotto

Relaxing hot spring bath
Hot spring tub
After we checked in hotel, the first thing impressed us was the giant hot spring tub in the spacious bathroom. A light sulfur smell appeared while filling up the hot spring tub. We noticed the water is a little yellowish before we jumped in. It was very comfy and relaxing. Though in my opinion, it would be best in the winter because it was so hot. I think it is the most comfiest place in the world.

Shaka Dang trial

Watch out your head
Spring water dripping down from rocks
The next day we woke up and rode a bus to Shaka Dang trail. The trail was amazing. It was cut right out of the mountain. That's why you should watch out for the rocks in case you bonk your head on them. The water dripping down from the rocks above our head create the curtain along the trial. I know you are thinking about rain water but it's not rain! Small creeks flowing down from the top of the mountain gather at the bottom of the valley forming the Shaka Dang River. Some big rocks had black and gray stripes. We had a great time at the rocky beach by the end of the trail. We threw rocks into the rushing water. We competed to see who could throw the rock farther.

Shaka Dang River

Rock throwing at Shaka Dang River

Spring water running on metamorphic rocks

Pulowan  people facial tattoo
Pulowan is where we watched a movie about people who lives there. The facial marks they make are very unique. The girls look like cats because they have three black marks on each cheek. Men looked like ancient Egyptian's beard. Both had a vertical line on their fore head.

Entrance of Swallow Grottoes

Rocks on the cliff that looked like a human face  
Swallow Grottoes is famous for it's whole lot of swallows. Sad thing we did not see many swallows. The holes on the cliffs squirting out under ground water. Some people wore helmets to protect their heads from the falling rocks. I found a couple of rocks on the cliff that looked like a human face. Isn't that interesting?

Ending of Swallow Grottoes, where Indian Chieftain's Profile Rock locates

Eternal Spring Shrine

People walking on long suspension bridge
After we saw Tian Xiang Visitor Center, we arrived at Eternal Spring Shrine. There was a very high and long suspension bridge . I really wanted to go up there and walk on it. Look, a few people walked on the bridge. The bridge was shaking and wobbling like mad. My brother saw it and refused to go. It would be an awesome journey if we were there.

Sunset at Seven Star Lake

play time at Seven Star Lake 
Played till sunset at
Seven Star Lake
Seven Star Lake is the awesome place to end of our journey. Is it really a lake? No, it is a small bay with a beautiful beach besides the ocean. We built rock castles and threw huge rocks at the big waves. Watching the huge rock hits the wave as it creates another wave made us laugh loudly.

Hualien was a very fun trip. You also now know about it. I hope someday you can have a trip just as fun.

Fish belly soup

Rice with pork belly

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