Thursday, July 21, 2016

Shanghai - Shanghai Natural History Museum by Gordon 上海自然博物馆

Shanghai Natural History Museum
- Gordon

Shanghai Day 4
Shanghai Laoshan Hostel, Shanghai Natural History Museum


     Did you ever get bored in Shanghai before? Why not do something cool? Try visiting Shanghai Natural History Museum. Shanghai Natural History Museum is full of information. It covers from the Big Bang to the present. It also has moving dinosaurs! Best of all, there is a 4D movie called The Boom of the Cambrian. Everybody likes movies. Why not go check it out?

Big Bang exhibition

     We went into the museum and saw a big paragraph about the Big Bang. It happened 13.8 billion years ago. It created the universe. Earth was created 4.6 billion years ago.

telescopes exhibition
      The 1st floor has a section displaying telescopes. I took a picture of three telescopes. The furthest one is a telescope made by Newton. Go ahead and look at it from the bottom. Can you guess which one made the stars look the biggest? Newton's telescope does!

Models from left to right: Yellow River Mammoth, Brachiosaurus, Spinosaurus
     At the open exhibition area, we saw a Brachiosaurus model, the Spinosaurus model, and a Yellow River Mammoth model. I even remember the scientific name for the mammoth: Mammothus PrimageniusThe museum also had a fake T. Rex that showed you the bones.
Cantor's Giant Soft Shell Turtle
     Funny thing, we just came back from Turtle Head Peninsula (鼋头渚), Wuxi. I still remember that the island name is after a special immortal turtle 鼋. There sit a turtle , looks exactly like the island of Turtle head peninsula. This turtle's name is Cantor's Giant Soft Shell Turtle.  

A model of Felidae
      There goes a model of a Felidae. It is a mammal which means that it lives by itself. All mammals live alone except for the lion.

Petrified wood

4D movie about
Cambrian Period
     The petrified wood caught our eyes. A petrified wood is a prehistoric wood that eventually turned into rock. I can't believe they let you touch it. They had a beautiful red snake but I don't know the name. This is the best part. The 4D movie! It brought us all back to the Cambrian Period (543 to 505 million years ago). Cambrian Period is the first time period of the Paleozoic Era. It was enjoyable to watch the movie. 

Pitcher plant
      There is a whole exhibition room displaying survival skills and strategy for both animals and plants. The porkupine's survival skill is to roll into a ball when danger comes. Its sharp quills can protest it from attacks. The exciting thing we saw was probably something everybody that hates fly wants. The pitcher plant! It catches flies and devours them! I wish I had it.

Exhibition hall
     Shanghai Natural History Museum is full of wonderful things, from animals to plants, from Big Bang to modern . You can learn a lot of natural history in one day. What a history paradise!

Exhibition hall

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