Thursday, July 28, 2016

Silk Road - Dunhuang 鸣沙山月牙泉 by Gordon (Echoing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Lake)

Echoing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Lake

- Gordon

The Silk Road
Silk Road Day 2 & 3:
Echoing Sand Mountain and Crescent Moon Lake

     This was the same day as we went to Mogao Grottoes, a day with full of history. It was the kind that everybody looks for, but every trip has to have some fun. I rated it the best place through our journey. The endless sand dunes, clear spring water and beautiful sunset amazed us. Let me tell you how much fun we had in two days.

Dun Huang Global Geo Park of China

The stone said
Echoing Sand Mountain
The caravan
     Dunhuang is an oasis among the desert. It was hot during the day. So we chose to go to the Echoing Sand Mountain (鸣沙山) at the evening time. We rode a taxi to the sand mountain. We were surprised by the refreshing wave of coolness. The entrance has a rock. The rock wrote down Dun Huang Global Geo Park of China. We would have rode camels if it wasn't dark. We just sat down to rest and welcome our first sunset. Do you know how fast we built a huge sand dome? In 10 minutes! We went back at our hotel at 10:00 pm! That's just the first day!

Camel riding

Crescent Moon Lake
   The fun time continued in next day. We went to the same place again! This time we went to a part of it, called Crescent Moon Lake (月牙泉).  This natural spring is amazing because of it's awesome crescent shape. The emerald green water is peaceful, staring through the desert. Here came the time for the best part! The camel riding! The caravan brought us to a place where we could go sand sledding, and airplane gliding. The ride end at Crescent Moon Lake. When the sun went down, we decided to climb to the top of the sand mountain and enjoy our second sunset. It was very pretty.

Our camel

Beautiful sunset

     Echoing Sand Mountain and Crescent moon lake are both awesome! What did you get for fun on your trip?

Lanzhou La Mian (兰州拉面,凉皮)


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