Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tea Horse Road - Shangri-La by Gordon 香格里拉


- Gordon

Tea Horse Road

Tea Horse Road Day 4,
Lijiang, The First Bend of the Yangtze River,
The Tiger Leaping Gorge, Shangri-la


     Shangri-La is full of beautiful scenery and much more. It locates at Yunnan Guizhou Plateaus (云贵高原). It is over 3200 meters above the sea level. Such high altitude makes it always covered with clouds. You may not see well from the overlook, but very pretty when it isn't. Why don't I give you a tour about it?

The overlook of The First Bend of the Yangtze River
The wind bells

The overlook of
The First Bend of the
Yangtze River
     Here we are at where our journey of Shangri-La begin. This place is called The First Bend of The Yangtze River (长江第一湾). You will see rock lumps. You think it's very cool.  Go ahead heading to the overlook and see how cloudy it is. 
A bridge connect The Jade Dragon Mountain and Haba Mountain
The pounding water

The statue of the Tiger Leaping Gorge
Going down to the
Tiger Leaping Gorge

Going down to the
Tiger Leaping Gorge
     Here we are at the Tiger Leaping Gorge (虎跳峡). It is the next stop close by. See that Yangtze River below you? Take the few hundred stairs down to the river. It is easy to go down, but hard to climb up. Be brave to take some exercises! Isn't it look like it's rushing today? There are stones in the water. When the water hits the rocks, it creates white foams. You could do White Water rafting there. But I cannot imagine how people can survive, with the enormous pounding water and the huge rocks. It makes thunder like roar sound. There is gold colored sand at the bottom which makes the amber color. That is why people like to call it "Chin-sha River" (金沙江).
The white water rafting route along “The Long River" 长江

Chin-sha River

Chin-sha River

Horse riding at the
beautiful Shangri-La valley

Horse riding at the
beautiful Shangri-La valley
      Now you may want to ride an animal. Why not choose the horse? The horses there are the best. They let you have a round trip. You can see the beautiful view of the valley. I bet you would think it's a good idea.
Beautiful Shangri-La valley

Beautiful Shangri-La valley

Tibetan house

Tibetan house
     Now you may want to see the local Tibetans' house. They invite you to their home and hosting a fiesta. The food was very yummy. They sing, dance and even play their special instruments for you. 

     Now you finish your tour. Those were all the places we have visited. In the end, everyone had a very happy day!

Tibetan Lamasery

From left: Qingke, Qingke flour, Qingke bun (青稞,青稞面,青稞面团)

Tibetan Butter
Milk Tea 藏家酥油茶

BBQ yak 烤牦牛肉

The wild flowers

The bud of the garden

The garden cosmos 格桑花

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