Thursday, August 11, 2016

Japan Day 1 - Kyoto Day 1 by Gordon, Arashiyama Park, Yasaka Shrine and Gion 京都岚山公园嵯峨野,建仁寺,八坂神社,祇园

Arashiyama Park, Yasaka Shrine and Gion



Japan Day 1
Kyoto Day 1
Hyena airport 羽田机场, Kyoto Station 京都站, Arashiyama Park, Yasaka Shrine and Gion
The Kyoto Tower 京都塔 at night

     There are many places in Japan to visit. We chose Kyoto 京都 to start our first day in Japan. Shrines and temples can be found everywhere in Kyoto. It is a city full of history.

Arashiyama station
     We took the evening flight to Tokyo. When we arrived at Hyena Airport 羽田机场, it was 4 a.m. in the morning. The 2 hours Shingansen 新干线 high speed train took us to Kyoto Station 京都站. A subway led us to Arashiyama station 岚山站. After the long travel, we finally arrived at our first destination, the Arashiyama Park 岚山公园嵯峨野. 
The Path of Bamboo 竹林小径

the Path of Bamboo
Rickshaw 人力车 in
the Path of Bamboo
     We walked to the star place of Arashiyama Park, the Path of Bamboo 竹林小径. The huge land was covered with a thick bamboo forest. It was very pretty. The Hollywood movies, Crouching Tiger and Hidden Dragon 卧虎藏龙, got some of their scenery from this bamboo forest. Look, there's some baby bamboo!
A baby bamboo

The temple view of the Tenryuji Temple天龙寺
The garden view of the Tenryuji Temple 天龙寺

The corridor at the Tenryuji Temple 天龙寺

The meeting hall of
the Tenryuji Temple

Entrance to the
Tenryuji Temple

        Tenryuji Temple 天龙寺 ( Temple of the Heavenly Dragon)was established in 1339 by Shogun  Ashikaga Takauji. The huge temple is famous for its garden, history and the religious significance. The garden has some special kinds of flowers. One was called the Mountain Hydrangea. Soon we figured out these pretty flowers have different colors. At the exit, you may think you go out. But if you are willing to pay a little fee, they allow you walk inside the temple. An entrance is a bit beyond the exit.  At a specific place, we put our shoes on the shoe rack. It was an interesting experience for me. We walked bare-foot! The floor was very clean. All the doors are the traditional Japanese sliding doors. All the windows are the paper glued onto the wooden frames. We saw the traditional paintings hanging on the wall. Sitting on the Tatami mats (榻榻米) and looking outside to the beautiful pond and trees was relaxing. Maybe now you know why it's Kyoto's top #1 attraction.

The Tenryuji Temple 天龙寺 inside view

The Tenryuji Temple 天龙寺 inside view

Garden of Tenryuji Temple 天龙寺
The Mountain Hydrangea 山紫阳花 in
the garden of Tenryuji Temple 天龙寺
Togetsu Bridge across the Katsura River

The Katsura River and
the Arishima Mountains
The Katsura River and
the Arishima Mountains
      The Katsura River 桂川 is wide. But don't worry. The Togetsu Bridge 渡月桥 will lead the way to the other side of it. There we reached the tall Arishima Mountains. This wooden bridge has been there for 400 years. It was very surprising that it still lasts there because the rushing water pounds against the wooden structure. It is the only transportation since there are no boats. The view from the bridge is incredible.

Kyoto city view from the Summit Observation Deck

Climbing up to
the Summit
Observation Deck
View from the
Summit Observation Deck
     We climbed up to the Summit Observation Deck 展望台. The whole significant Arashiyama Park was under my feet!

Nonomiya-Jinja Shrine 野宫神社
Nonomiya-Jinja Shrine
Straw in a circle
as the entrance

     We went into the Nonomiya - Jinja Shrine 野宫神社. They have straw in a circular shape as the entrance. Look, a rock shaped like a turtle. Just a touch! It will grant your wish within a year. Believe it or not, I touched it. But I won't tell you what my wish was.

The sacred turtle rock

A temple in Arashiyama
The train of Arashiyama

The green tea and sushi


     Dinner at a sushi house was yummy. They serve you green tea with no extra charge. Blue outlined plates have wasabi on them. Swirly colored ones are normal. The fancy ones are their specialty.

Gion at night

Gion at night

The name tags of geisha
hung at the front door of
a geisha house
     The night at Gion 祇园 was wonderful. The lights of stores and restaurants lit up the street.  There are special people called geisha 艺伎. They are for entertainment because they sing and dance in their house. The geisha's face is all white except for a V or W shape in the back of the neck. There are creeks nearby. Don't pollute in the creek. No water is polluted in Japan.

Gion at night
A geisha on the street
of Gion

A geisha on the street
of Gion

     Kyoto is an awesome place to visit. Everyone who visits says it's an unforgettable experience. Japanese always say that if you haven't come to Kyoto, you aren't considered to have come to Japan at all. From now on, I can tell everybody, I've been to Japan!


建仁寺 at night

Rang the wish bell at Yasaka Shrine 八坂神社

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