Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Beijing - National History Museum by Gordon

National History Museum of China

- Gordon

     Do you get bored on a hot day of Beijing? Why not do something that many people do! Try visiting one of the most famous Museums in China, the National History Museum.

Tomb with dragon and tiger
shell drawing
仰韶文化 (5000BC-3000BC)
     We visited the life and Production session first. It started at Neolithic China 中国新石器时代, about 10,000 years ago. At that time, there was no color to paint with. How did they make the tombs so pretty? They used shells to outline pictures!

A set of bronze bells 青铜编钟
the terracotta
the terracotta army
     The bronze section was also pretty good. The olden time has sculptures that modern people can't do. Mainly they are wine vessels. They might have liked music because of the ancient bells. They had a smaller version of the terracotta army from Xi'an. There were also protected armors on display.

     Don't you think that was one impressive museum? No wonder it's so famous!

Bronze Lei (wine vessel), early Western Zhou Dynasty

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