Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Tea Horse Road - Lugu Lake by Gordon 泸沽湖

Lugu Lake

The Tea Horse Road

Tea Horse Road Day 5:
Lijiang Ancient Town, Lugu Lake

Dawn of Lugu Lake
Dawn of Lugu Lake

On the way to Lugu Lake

On the way to Lugu Lake
     Lugu Lake is full of wonders, like how it got so blue and many other things. Why not let me give you a tour?

Mont Goddess Gammo 格姆女神山
Beautiful view of Lugu Lake

The little white flowers
in Lugu Lake,
blossom every year

The little white flowers
in Lugu Lake,
blossom every year
     Here we are at the Lugu Lake. Do you see a women lying down on her back? She is Goddess Gammo 格姆女神. The people worships Mont Goddess Gammo 格姆女神山 every year. Don't think of a story of sleeping beauty just because she is lying down. There actually is a story about her. Goddess  Gammo had many spirit friends. One day Mountain Spirit came to see her. The mountain spirit saw her with another male spirit. He became jealous and walked away on a horseback.  The goddess heard him and went out. She saw the foot print of the horse. She burst into tears. All her tears formed the Lugu Lake. Mountain Spirit heard this and threw some pearls and flowers into the lake. The pearls became islands. The flowers blossom every year along the lake shore.

Dock to the boats
The boats on the lake
The boats on the lake
with Mont Goddess Gammo
at the back
     A wooden boat ride on the beautiful Lugu Lake will give you a wonderful experience. In the middle of the lake, the tour guide will tell you to drink a little bit of lake water. It is the sweetest water you ever taste. See the islands and the flowers? That's exactly like the story. You pick a flower and suddenly a bee comes flying at you.

Snap the crocodile island
Mosuo village campfire party

Mosuo hostess
       Dinner at Mosuo village will bring you a happy ending of the day. You will see people wearing their traditional dress. A campfire will light up the night. People dance around the campfire. If you think you are good at singing, you can join their Karaoke singing contest!

     Now you finished your tour. Don't you think that place is awesome?

The Mosuo village

The Mosuo village

The islands on Lugu Lake form a double heart shaped lake

Happy time by the lake shore

The wild flowers

The wild flowers

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