Monday, July 10, 2017

AZ - Lake Powell, Glen Canyon Dam, Horseshoe Bend by Aaron

Lake Powell, Glen Canyon Dam, and Horseshoe Bend

~ Aaron

Glen Canyon Dam

Glen Canyon Dam

Lake Powell and Glen Canyon

Horseshoe Bend

     Lake Powell, Glen Canyon Dam, and Horseshoe Bend are all very amazing. Lake Powell is one of the largest reservoirs in the US. The Glen Canyon Dam forms the Lake Powell. Horseshoe Bend is a bend carved by the Colorado River. These places are all very exciting.

Lake Powell and Glen Canyon

Glen Canyon Dam over
Lake Powell

Lake Powell

Lake Powell and Glen Canyon

Lake Powell and Glen Canyon

Lake Powell and Glen Canyon

     Lake Powell is man-made, as a dam holds back the water. Lake Powell is currently larger than Lake Mead in terms of volume of water currently held, depth and surface area, but is smaller that Mead in terms of max water capacity. About 2 million people visit it every year. There are many boats on the lake surface, which can be used. The rocks around the lake can help scientists learn about what happened at the location before.

Lake Powell, Glen Canyon, and Glen Canyon Dam

Colorado River on one
side of Glen Canyon Dam

Colorado River on one
side of Glen Canyon Dam

A bridge over the dam

A bridge over the dam

Lake Powell on the other
side of Glen Canyon Dam

Lake Powell on the other
side of Glen Canyon Dam

Glen Canyon Dam
     Glen Canyon Dam is very large, as it holds back the entire Lake Powell. The Colorado River is on one side, and the much larger Lake Powell is on the other. It is named after the Glen Canyon, many sandstone cliffs now flooded by Lake Powell. We walked along the dam, looked down, and realized the river was a few hundred feet below us. The Glen Canyon Dam almost looks like Hoover Dam from the side.

Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend

Horseshoe Bend
     Horseshoe Bend is a very famous part of the Colorado River. Although the name may not be familiar, the picture probably is. It is a horseshoe-shaped meander of the Colorado River. It’s about 5 miles south of Lake Powell and the Glen Canyon Dam. The hike to Horseshoe Bend is much more tiring than it looks, but the scenery is worth it.

     Lake Powell, Glen Canyon Dam, and Horseshoe Bend are very interesting. Lake Powell is named after John Wesley Powell, the leader of the first expedition to cross the Grand Canyon. Glen Canyon Dam is very crucial in the formation of Lake Powell. Horseshoe Bend is very wonderful. These places all have very special parts about themselves.

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