Sunday, July 9, 2017

Utah - Bryce Canyon National Park by Aaron

Bryce Canyon National Park

~ Aaron

Bryce Point

Inspiration Point

Sunrise Point
Fairyland Point
sunset at Sunset Point
sunset at Sunset Point

sunset at Sunset Point

     Bryce Canyon is a great place to visit. The scenery there is great. The many view points there just add to its beauty. There are many trails that lead to the bottom of the canyon. I wish we had some more time to enjoy Bryce Canyon.

     The scenery is some of the best one I have ever seen. There are tall pinnacles of red rock (called hoodoos) all over the bottom of the canyon. Melting snow and torrential rain erode the softer stone and carry it downhill, leaving behind massive slabs of standing rock, the hoodoos. There are many layers of multicolored stone in Bryce Canyon, in something called the Grand Staircase. If you were looking at Bryce Canyon from the air, the Grand Canyon probably would also be visible as it's the end of the staircase. Bryce Canyon has the densest collection of hoodoos in the world!

     The view points are an easy way to enjoy Bryce Canyon’s scenery. They are very high up compared to the other parts of the canyon and always offer a view of the hoodoos. Some need a short hike to get to, while others are right beside the parking lot. Majority of them don’t have a railing though, so beware. The view may be pretty, but don’t get too close to the edge as the rocks are slippery in some places.

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Bryce Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Inspiration Point

Sunset Point

Sunset Point
Sunset Point

Start of Navajo Loop Trail

Start of Navajo Loop Trail

A sight along the Navajo Loop Trail

The view from the Navajo Loop Trail

The view from the Navajo Loop Trail

The view from the Navajo Loop Trail

The view from the Navajo Loop Trail
Sunset Point

Sunrise Point

Sunrise Point

Sunrise Point

Sunrise Point

Fairyland Point

Fairyland Point

Fairyland Point

Fairyland Point

Fairyland Point

     Many trails lead to the canyon’s beautiful bottom. We only walked on one, the Navajo Loop Trail. However, the trail was still sort of long and slightly tiring. We walked straight through some of Bryce Canyon’s hoodoos along the trail. The red rocks were loose and started crumbling away when touched. A metal railing guided us for the first few yards. The way down was steep, and the way up wasn’t as steep.

At the top of Navajo Loop Trail

Going down to
the bottom of
the canyon
Going down

Going down

Going down

Going down

going down

going down
going down

going down

going down

At the bottom of the canyon

At the bottom of the canyon

At the bottom of the canyon

At the bottom of the canyon

At the bottom of the canyon

At the bottom of the canyon

At the bottom of the canyon

At the bottom of the canyon

At the bottom of the canyon

The mid point of the trail

Climbing up

Climbing up

Climbing up

Climbing up

Climbing up

Climbing up
watch the sunset

Climbing up
the moon coming out

The top of the canyon

The top of the canyon

Navajo Loop Trail, Sunset Point

     Bryce Canyon is very interesting.  The scenery is very special to Bryce Canyon. The many view points can help anyone see this very clearly. Trails all across Bryce Canyon make you realize how breath-taking the scenery is. Bryce Canyon is a wonderful national park to visit!

Cactus blossom at Bryce Canyon

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