Saturday, September 8, 2018

China, Weihai 威海, Shandong

One Day in Weihai 威海, Shandong 山东

Having fun at the beach of Weihai
while typhoon Rumbia hit Shandong

Beach at Weihai 威海国际浴场
At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach
At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach

At the beach


Sunset at the Beach

Sunset at the beach

Sunset at the beach

Sunset at the beach

Sunset at the beach

Sunset at the beach

Sunset at the beach
Sunset at the beach

Sunset at the beach

Sunset at the beach

Sunset at the beach

BBQ 小萌猪烧烤

Put the charcoal in, ready for BBQ

Live octopus

Observing the live octopus

BBQ octopus

BBQ octopus
BBQ Octopus

Korean cold noodle

BBQ pork bell

BBQ beef

BBQ pork belly with potato

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