Saturday, September 8, 2018

China, Qingdao, Shandong - Day 2: Laoshan Mountain 崂山

Laoshan Mountain 崂山

Yangkou, Laoshan Mountain 崂山仰口

Laoshan Mountain over the sea

Laoshan Mountian over the sea

Laoshan Mountain over the sea

At the Entrance

Sea view at the entrance

Sea view at the entrance

At the entrance

At the entrance

At the entrance

Laoshan Mountain

Laoshan Mountain

Cable car
Cable car

Cable car

Laoshan Mountain

Laoshan Mountain

Laoshan Mountain

Mingxia Temple 明霞殿

Mingxia Temple

Mingxia Temple

Mingxia Temple
Mingxia Temple

Mingxia Temple

Mingxia Temple

Shangqing Palace 上清宫

At Shangqing Palace
At Shangqing Palace

At Shangqing Palace

At Shangqing Palace

At Shangqing Palace

Yangkou 仰口

At the bus station to Yangkou
Bus ride to Yangkou, driving along seashore

Coastline of Yangkou

Coastline of Yangkou

At the foothill of Yangkou

Cable car to
mountain top of Yangkou
Cable car

Cable car ride
Cable car

Cable car

Cable car

At top of Yangkou Mountain
At top of Yangkou Mountain

At top of Yangkou Mountain
At top of Yangkou Mountain

At top of Yangkou Mountain

At top of Yangkou Mountain

At top of Yangkou Mountain

At top of Yangkou Mountain
At the beach

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