Saturday, September 8, 2018

China, Tibet Day 2 - Brahmaputra River 雅鲁藏布江,Yamdrok Lake 羊卓雍错,乃钦康桑峰冰川

Tibet Day 2

Brahmaputra River 雅鲁藏布江

Brahmaputra River
Brahmaputra River

Brahmaputra River

Brahmaputra River

Brahmaputra River

Brahmaputra River

Brahmaputra River
Brahmaputra River

Yamdrok Lake 羊卓雍错

At Yamdrok Lake
At Yamdrok Lake

At Yamdrok Lake

At Yamdrok Lake
At Yamdrok Lake

At Yamdrok Lake

At Yamdrok Lake

At Yamdrok Lake

At Yamdrok Lake
At Yamdrok Lake

At Yamdrok Lake
At Yamdrok Lake

Kharola Glacier 乃钦康桑峰冰川

Kharola Glacier

At the glacier
At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier

At the glacier
At the glacier
At the glacier

At the glacier







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