Saturday, September 8, 2018

China, Qingdao, Shandong - Day 1: Firewood Courtyard 劈柴院,Catholic Church 天主教堂,Zhan Qiao Pier 栈桥,Luxun Park 鲁迅公园,Badaguan 八大关

Firewood Courtyard 劈柴院

Firewood Courtyard 劈柴院

At Firewood Courtyard

At Firewood Courtyard

At Firewood Courtyard

Catholic Church 天主教堂

Catholic Church 青岛天主教堂

Catholic Church
Catholic Church

Catholic Church

Zhan Qiao Pier 栈桥 and the Beach 海水浴场

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier

At Zhan Qiao Pier
At the beach

At the beach 青岛第一海水浴场

Luxun Park 鲁迅公园


Luxun Park
Luxun Park

Luxun Park

Luxun Park

Badaguan 八大关



Qingdao City Hall 市政府

City Hall

Qingdao May Forth Square 五四广场


May Forth Square

May Forth Square

May Forth Square

May Forth Square

May Forth Square
May Forth Square

May Forth Square

May Forth Square

May Forth Square

May Forth Square

Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center

Qingdao Olympic Sailing Center

Apartment Hotel & its Foodcourt

Our rental apartment at Qingdao

Lian Kee 连记馄饨

Lian Kee 连记馄饨

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