Saturday, September 8, 2018

China, Lhasa, Tibet Day 6 - Ramoche Temple 小昭寺,Barkhor Street 八廓街,Government Office of Qing Dynasty 清政府驻藏大臣衙门

Tibet Day 6

Ramoche Temple 小昭寺

At Ramoche Temple
At Ramoche Temple

At Ramoche Temple
At Ramoche Temple

At Ramoche Temple

At Ramoche Temple

At Ramoche Temple
At Ramoche Temple

At Ramoche Temple

At Ramoche Temple

At Ramoche Temple

At Ramoche Temple
At Ramoche Temple

At Ramoche Temple

At Ramoche Temple

At Ramoche Temple

Barkhor Street 八廓街

At Barkhor Street

At Barkhor Street

At Barkhor Street

At Barkhor Street 大昭寺门口

At Barkhor Street 大昭寺门口

At Barkhor Street 大昭寺门口

At Barkhor Street

At Barkhor Street

Government Office of Qing Dynasty


At government office of Qing Dynasty
At government office of Qing Dynasty
At government office of Qing Dynasty

At government officeof Qing Dynasty

At government office
of Qing Dynasty

At government office of Qing Dynasty

At government office of Qing Dynasty

At government office of Qing Dynasty

At government office of Qing Dynasty

At government office of Qing Dynasty

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