Sunday, May 14, 2017

Paris Day 3 by Gordon, Sacre Coeur, Les Invalides, Grand Palace, Petit Palace, Pont Alexandre III, Palais de Elysee, La Madeleine

Paris Day 3, Sacre Coeur 圣心大教堂, Les Invalides 荣军院, Grand Palais 大宫, Petit Palais 小宫, Pont Alexandre III 亚历山大三世桥, Palais de Elysee 爱丽舍宫, La Madeleine 玛德莲娜教堂

~ Gordon

Sacre Coeur

Sacre Coeur

Tomb of Napoleon I, Les Invalides

Les Invalides
Grand Palais

Petit Palais

Palais de Elysee
Place de la Concorde at sunset

     Day 3 in Paris was cool. We visited Sacre Coeur , Les Invalides , Grand Palais , Petit Palais , Pont Alexandre III, Palais de Elysee , and La Madeleine. Sacre Coeur was very fun with the beautiful white marble out side. Les Invalides carries the body of Napoleon I. Grand Palais and the Petit Palais both have many exhibitions to look at. Pont Alexandre III has a good view of the Seines river. Palais de Elysee was very grand, as the France president lives and works. It's like the White House. La Madeleine had a lot of history.

Sacre Coeur on a hill

Sacre Coeur on a hill

Sacre Coeur

Sacre Coeur

Sacre Coeur

Sacre Coeur

Beautiful view
from Sacre Coeur

Beautiful view from Sacre Coeur

Secre Coeur street performers

Climbing up hill to reach
Sacre Coeur

     Sacre Coeur was an attractive whole white church sitting in a hill. Our trip started off at our hotel. We went and got to a long way of  steps. When we finished climbing the steps, we found that Sacre Coeur had many visitors. Sacre Coeur looked very beautiful, and made with pure white stone.

Interior of
Sacre Coeur

Interior of
Sacre Coeur

Interior of
Sacre Coeur

A model of
Sacre Coeur

Interior of
Sacre Coeur

Interior of
Sacre Coeur

Interior of
Sacre Coeur

Interior of Sacre Coeur

Stained glass of
Sacre Coeur

Stained glass of
Sacre Coeur

     When we went inside, the white marble stunned us with its beauty. I noticed that there were a lot of stained glass windows. Many churches in Paris have stained glass windows, but why? The church has lots of beauty and silence. Its use as a Roman Catholic church originated in 1875 during its construction. It was completed in 1914, but only became a church in 1919, when World War I ended.

The interior of Sacre Coeur

Light up candle at Sacre Coeur
Les Invalides, viewed from Pont Alexandre III

Les Invalides

Les Invalides

At the entrance of Invalides

Les Invalides

Bell tower of Invalides

Les Invalides
Guns at the military museum of Invalides


Military equipment

Sword, Japan

2nd World War

2nd World War

     Les Invalides was very famous because Napoleon I was buried here. People would mainly come here to see Napoleon I's tomb. The security check was very slow, but it kept people safe. There were military guards all over the place. Many people  in the French war were buried in here. We went in through the entrance open to Avenue des Champs-Elysees. The ticket covers the military museum, which tells the military history of France. A large church lies behind the museum. If you wonder what comes  after the church,  the tombs of some France's war heroes. The most notably body resting in here. If you are thinking about Napoleon Bonaparte (Napoleon I), then you are right. The tomb contains his ashes. They found that there was poison traces in his hair. This may have caused his sudden illness.

Plaza of Invalides

Plaza of Invalides

Plaza of Invalides

Canon gun of Les Invalides

Chapel of Invalides

Tomb of Napoleon I

Tomb of Napoleon I

Tomb of Napoleon I

Tomb of Napoleon I

A model of
Tomb of Napoleon I

Tomb of Napoleon II

Tomb of Napoleon I, Invalides

Grand Palais

Grand Palais

Grand Palais

Grand Palais

Grand Palais

Petit Palais

Petit Palais

Petit Palais

Petit Palais

Petit Palais

Interior of
Petit Palais

Interior of
Petit Palais

At the hallway of Petit Palais

     Coming out from Les Invalides, we enjoyed walking along Avenue des Champs-Elysees. Passing Pont Alexandre III, Grand Palais is on my left hand side, and Petit Palais is on my right hand side. Grand Palais, Petit Palais, and Palais de Elysee are all very beautiful. Grand Palais has a temp exhibit about Rodin. Sadly, the glass Ceiling exhibition is currently close for renovation! We couldn't go up to see it. Petit Palais had many items, and a garden for us to enjoy. Palais de Elysee was very pretty, and it had an army of guards, as it houses the current president of France.

Pont Alexandre III and Grand Palais
Pont Alexandre III and Grand Palais

Pont Alexandre III &
Grand Palais

Pont Alexandre III &
Grand Palais

Pont Alexandre III

Pont Alexandre III and Grand Palais

Pont Alexandre III &
Grand Palais

Pont Alexandre III

Pont Alexandre III and Grand Palais

Eiffel Tower & the Seine River
viewed from Pont Alexandre III

Eiffel Tower & the Seine River
viewed from Pont Alexandre III

     The Pont Alexandre III is a  deck arch bridge that goes over the Seine river. There are four beautiful corners on Pont Alexandre III  with 4 statues, 1 golden statue at each corner. There were many pretty lights on the bridge.

Front of La Madeleine

Front of La Madeleine

Front of La Madeleine

Back of La Madeleine

Back of La Madeleine

Back of La Madeleine

Back of La Madeleine

Side of La Madeleine

Side statue
of La Madeleine

     Madeleine was closed by the time we got there but we could still see it from outside. We walked around it, and saw a little burnt mark. It looked like an ancient temple. Madeleine looks like it is almost never touched. It was actually built in 1182! 

The Place Vendome &
the Column Vendome

The Place Vendome &
the Column Vendome

The Place Vendome &
the Column Vendome

The Place Vendome & the Column Vendome

     Built in the time of 1699, Vendome Column stands in the middle of Vendome Square. If you are wondering why it was built, I can answer that. It was built to honor Napoleon I, the man itself and the victories he led. This is also why Napoleon I himself is up at the top of the Column.

     My day 3 involves a lot of walking, Sacre Coeur, Les Invalides, Grand Palais, Petit Palais, Pont Alexandre III, Palais de Elysee, and La Madeleine. Sacre Coeur was very pretty, with the whiteness. Invalides is very important as military history of France lies here, as well as the France hero Napoleon I. All Grand Palais, Petit Palais, and Palais de Elysee are very grand. Museums, bridges, palaces and churches can make a day be one of the best days in my life!

Our lovely hotel in Paris

Our lovely hotel in Paris

Flowers blossom at Petit Palais

Flowers blossom at Petit Palais

Palais de Elysee

Across Champs-Elysees
walking towards Palais de Elysee
Arc de Triomphe at far

Across Champs-Elysees
walking towards Palais de Elysee
Arc de Triomphe at far

Palais de Elysee

Palais de Elysee

Palais de Elysee

Opera national de Paris

Opera National de Paris

Opera National de Paris

Opera National de Paris

Opera National de Paris

Place de la Concorde at sunset

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