Saturday, May 13, 2017

London Day 5 by Gordon, Museum of London, British Museum, St Pancras Eurostar Train Terminal

London Day 5, Museum of London, British Museum, St. Pancras Eurostar Train Terminal

~ Gordon

At the entrance of Museum of London

British Museum

St Pancras Eurostar train terminal

               London Day 5 was really cool. We learned a lot and saw many fascinating things. The museum of London gave us information about early London. The British Museum gave us a lot of information about the entire world!
From hotel walking to Museum of London
St. Paul Cathedral on our way

Horse mounted police
viewing from the bridge to
Museum of London
Museum of London

Stone tools in early London

Tombstone of Roman Centurion, 3rd century
Discovered during rebuilding of
St Martin's Church, in 1669
A model of early London
Bridging the Thames

The Temple of Mithras furniture

This model of medieval St Paul's Cathedral is 100 year old
St Paul's Cathedral was built in 604

This piece of limestone
is reputed to be the
stone that marks the
centre of London usually
at 111 Cannon Street

London 2012 Olympic Cauldron

London 2012 Olympic Cauldron

A statue at Museum of London
          The Museum of London was very awesome. Do you know that the current London Bridge was not the original? It fell down many times like the song, "London Bridge is falling down, falling down, falling down". We also learned that London was first called Londinium. There were many churches even back then. Do you wonder why?


A Beautiful day to visit British Museum

A pretty cool pattern on
the glass roof top of British Museum
          After the bus ride, we went to the great British Museum for the 2nd time. Why we have to visit again? It is so big and we cannot finish it in one day. You might think it is a temple, but that's wrong. On the inside, it's a regular museum that has so many exhibits and all of the collections are just so old. The ceiling looks so cool thanks to the beautiful pattern of the glass roof top. There are exhibits about almost everything, like America's Space crafts, or chinaware. 


2nd century AD
King's library, British Museum

Piranesi Vase
2nd century AD
King's library, British Museum

A replica of Rosetta Stone
King's library, British Museum
        This time, we visited King's Library and saw a model of the Rosetta Stone. Taking a picture with my favorite stone became so easy now. Why, because no crowds around it! There were some Roman statues  in the library that were very interesting.

One of three lintels from
structure 23 at Yaxchilan
Maya, about AD725
Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara or Guanyin
wood, trace of pigment China
about 1100-1300

Marble Amitabha Budda
AD 585, Sui Dynasty

A set of 12 wucai month wine cups
AD 1700, Qing Dynasty

Charger with biscuit-fired dragon
LongQuan wares
AD 1300-68, Yuan Dynasty

     Because the museum is renovating the Chinese Collection exhibition, the only collection open to the public is located in Room 94, Chinese porcelain. The colorful utensils are amazing. The biscuit-fired plates were my mom's favorite. Many different shapes of pottery, vases, plates, and cups were very vivid in details. I will definitely come back again to see its huge ancient Chinese collections.

          Day 5 was pretty fun after all. We saw so many different things each day. The Museum of London was very interesting on the information it gave about London, its past, nowadays and future.  The British Museum brought me back to the ancient Rome and ancient China. Farewell for a little while, beautiful London. I am on my way to my next adventure, Paris! 

A church on the way walking from
Museum of London to British Museum
King Cross train station

King Cross train station

St Pancras Eurostar train terminal

Eurostar train ride from London to Paris

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