Saturday, May 13, 2017

London Day 4 by Aaron, St. Paul Cathedral, Westminster Abbey, Royal Mews, Churchill War Rooms, Kensington Palace, Platform 9 3/4

London Day 4, St. Paul Cathedral 圣保罗大教堂, Westminster Abbey 西敏寺, Royal Mews 皇家马厩, Churchill War Rooms 丘吉尔战争室, Kensington Palace 肯辛顿宫, Platform 9 3/4

~ Aaron

Front of St Paul Cathedral
viewing from Golden Gallery, St Paul Cathedral
Entrance of Westminster Abbey

Exit of Westminster Abbey
Churchill War Rooms

Churchill War Rooms

     Our 4th day at London was very amazing. St. Paul’s Cathedral was full of many galleries and religious items. Westminster Abbey has several beautiful sights to view. The Churchill War Rooms are full of interesting facts from World War II. These places were all full of wondrous things.

Passed a bridge, walking towards
St Paul Cathedral

Through buildings
to St Paul Cathedral

Side of
St Paul Cathedral

Front of
St Paul Cathedral

Front of
St Paul Cathedral

Hallway of
St Paul Cathedral

St Paul Cathedral
Climbed to the 2nd gallery

Climbing up to the Golden Gallery
Dome of St Paul Cathedral

viewing from
Golden Gallery
St Paul Cathedral

viewing from Golden Gallery, St Paul Cathedral

viewing from Golden Gallery, St Paul Cathedral

From top gallery to picture
St Paul Cathedral's
bottom floor

Two bell towers
viewing from
Golden Gallery
St Paul Cathedral
     St. Paul's Cathedral is an Anglican cathedral, the seat of the Bishop of London, and the first church of the Diocese of London. It sits on Ludgate Hill at the highest point of London. Its dedication to St. Paul the Apostle goes back to the original church on its site, founded in AD 604. The present cathedral, from the late 17th century, was designed in the English Baroque style by Sir Christopher Wren. Its construction was part of a major rebuilding program in London after the Great Fire. Some majorly important people to Britain are buried in the cathedral including the first Duke of Wellington (who fought and won against Napoleon in Waterloo) and Sir Cristopher Wren (who built the current cathedral), but Winston Churchill is, sadly, located in St Martin's Church in Bladon near Woodstock, England. There is also a tall staircase leading upwards to 3 different galleries. These galleries each give a panoramic view of London, but the highest one up (the Golden Gallery) gives the best view of them all. 

St Paul Cathedral Golden Gallery

St Paul Cathedral bell ringing

Entrance to
Westminster Abbey

Entrance to
Westminster Abbey

Gate at the entrance
Westminster Abbey

Detailed stone carving
on the gate at the entrance
of Westminster Abbey
St Margaret Church
beside Westminster Abbey

Hallway, Westminster Abbey

British oldest door constructed
in 1050 for St Edward the Confessor
Westminster Abbey

A door at Westminster Abbey

Exit of Westminster Abbey

Outside of Westminster Abbey

Garden of Westminster Abbey
     Westminster Abbey, or also, the Collegiate Church of St. Peter at Westminster, is a Gothic abbey church in Westminster, London, just to the west of the Palace of Westminster. It is one of Britain's most famous religious buildings and the traditional place of coronation and burial site for English and British monarchs. Some notable people buried here are G. F. Handel, Charles Darwin, and Isaac Newton. Many kings, queens, and their spouses are also buried here. Between 1540 and 1556, the abbey had the status of a cathedral. Ever since 1560, however, the building is no longer an abbey or a cathedral, but is instead a church responsible directly to the ruler of Britain. The building itself is the original abbey church from a few hundred years ago.

Royal Mews(home to royal horses, coaches, and livery)
through the gate, a dismounting ceremony taking place

Royal Mews dismounting ceremony
at 4pm (full version)

Guard at Royal Mews
Guard at Royal Mews

Guard at Royal Mews

The government
building above the
ground of
Churchill War Rooms
The government building above the
ground of Churchill War Rooms

A line waiting to enter --- Churchill War Rooms
a secrete underground headquarters
for the core of British government
throughout the Second World War

At the entrance to the Cabinet War Room

A meeting room

A relief model map

Door of the Map Room

A typewritre

Medals on display

A commander bedroom

Advanced Headquarters
of the GHQ home forces

Meeting room
Churchill War Rooms

Meeting room, Churchill War Rooms

BBC broadcasting equipment room

A map on the Map Room wall

Map room, Churchill War Rooms
     The Churchill War Rooms is a museum in London and one of the five parts of the Imperial War Museum. The museum is made of the Cabinet War Rooms, a historic underground building that housed the British command center throughout the Second World War, and the Churchill Museum, a biographical museum exploring the life of Winston Churchill. Construction of the Cabinet War Rooms, located beneath the Treasury building in London, began in 1938. They became operational in August 1939, shortly before the war started in Europe. They remained operational throughout World War II, before being abandoned in August 1945 after the surrender of Japan. Many sleeping quarters are there, including the ones for the Prime Minister’s advisor and the Prime Minister himself. The Map Room is located in this complex, too. The Map Room was manned all day and night because information from all the fronts in the World War were collected and presented on maps.

     This day was full of many unique things. St. Paul’s Cathedral has many pretty sights from some galleries high up. The Westminster Abbey is a very majestic place full of a complex history. The Churchill War Rooms explains the life of Churchill and how the British commanded its armies in World War II. These places all contribute to one of the best days I ever had!

Double deck bus
at St Paul Cathedral

A statue of Churchill
beside Westminster Abbey
Buckingham Palace

Buckingham Palace
starting our long walk
from Churchill War Rooms
through St. James Park
to our final destiny --- Kensington Palace

Buckingham Palace

Royal garden at St James Park

Royal garden at St James Park

Royal garden at St James Park

Royal garden at St James Park
Royal garden at St James Park

Royal garden at St James Park

Royal garden at St James Park

Royal garden at St James Park

Cherry blossom
at St. James Park

Trees at St James Park

Kensington Garden

Swan at
Kensington Garden

Swans at Kensington Garden

Kensington Garden

Kensington Garden

Kensington Palace at night
a royal residence and the place
where Queen Victoria grew up
Kensington Palace in the day
a royal residence and the place
where Queen Victoria grew up

London double deck bus night
Riding on the double deck bus to King Cross Station

Platform 9 3/4

Platform 9 3/4

Platform 9 3/4

Platform 9 3/4, King Cross Station

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