Saturday, May 13, 2017

London Day 6 by Gordon, St Pancras Eurostar Train Terminal, Science Museum, National History Museum, Night at Westminster Palace

 London Day 6, St Pancras Eurostar Train Terminal, Science Museum, National History Museum, Night at Westminster Palace

~ Gordon

Arrived at London St Pancrast station from Paris

James Watt's workbench, 1800, Science Museum

Natural History Museum

Night over Thames River

      London day 6 was really fun on average. Our final day filled with two museums. The Science Museum is full of many fantastic things. The Natural History Museum is an amazing place to finish our trip in London. This was one of the best in all 10 days! Our hotel is right beside Westminster Bridge, walking distance to the 2 museums.

Riding Eurostar train, Paris to London

Arrived at London
St Pancrast station

Arrived at London St Pancrast station

Our Eurostar train

Interior of Science Museum

Interior of Science Museum

Compound steam engine

Trevithick's Penydarren Locomotive

Steam engines


Soho machine
and steam power
     We first came to the Science Museum of London. It was established in 1857, which is 160 years from the current year of 2017. We learned a lot about steam engines and much more about engineering. It is famous for a lot of collections from James Watt and his workshop. There are also many more things.

Spaceman at work
Working as a spaceman wearing space gloves
and picking up screws, Science Museum

Apollo Seismometer, 1969

Harrison Power Loom from The Great Exhibition, 1851

Playing with a machine

Panhard & Levassor Motor Car, 1895

Sample of sand after
first atomic bomb test 1945

Learning about our brain

Learning about our emotion

     The exhibits cover many science subjects. We learned about space, atoms, human brains and even emotions. We saw many metal crafts that were invented during the Industrial Revolution. Can you believe that the Panhard and Levassor Motor car was invented in the 1895?

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum

Natural History Museum

Building across street of
Natural History Museum

Meteorite entrance
Natural History Museum

Meteorite entrance, Natural History Museum

Meteorite entrance and constellation walls
Natural History Museum
fossil near Meteorite Entrance

Meteorite entrance and constellation walls

Meteorite entrance and constellation walls

Lava from Kilauea volcano
in Hawaii

Oceanic crust
     The Natural History Museum in London is a huge museum with full of collections from all over the world. The famous Victoria and Albert Museum is nearby. There are many exhibits in the Natural History Museum. When you enter you might be scared of the meteorite that the escalator heads for. Relax, as it leads you to a world of exhibition about natural disasters. This may include volcanoes and other cool things. It is just so fun.

Hallway of Natural History Museum

Hallway of Natural History Museum

Learning how granite
weathers to form
sand and clay

Cases of rock & fossils
from the Cambrian Period

Opening a case to see
a selection of rock & fossils
from the Cambrian Period

Hope diamond

A small "bluestone"
from Stonehenge

A glass piece
from Louvre pyramid

The dodo pictures at Darwin Center

A whale fossil

     There are many other exhibits, like the Darwin Center or the mammal section. In the mammal's section, you can see aquatic or land mammals. In the Darwin Center you can see statements that Darwin made during his lifetime. My favorite animal dodo is there!

Dino fossils

Dino egg fossils

See how strong the dino leg is!

Deinonychus at Natural History Museum

     Dinosaur can be very fascinating, with the fact that no one knows about them or has seen them. Everything is ether a hypothesis, a skeleton, or a model. The dino are also very cool, because some of them can even move! 

Victoria and Albert Museum

Victoria and Albert Museum

A church on the street

A fancy building
on the street

A fancy building
on the street

A busy restaurant
in the middle of highrises

A building besides
Westminster Abbey

A building besides Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey

Westminster Abbey and St Margaret Church

Big Ben and Westminster Palace

Big Ben &
Westminster Palace

Big Ben

London Eye and Thames River

Westminster Palace at night

     The night of Westminster Palace was beautiful as we went for a long walk before returning to our hotel. Here went our last view of the Thames River before coming back home. The lights on London Eye were as shiny as stars, and the food was so yummy. It was really sad that we had to leave.

Big Ben rang at 9pm
indicate our vacation in London is over

The nearest
tube station
to our hotel
     London day 6 was fun after all. Our final day in Europe was so awesome! The Science Museum contains full of knowledge I won't forget. Like always, save the best for the last, and the Natural History Museum is an amazing place to have the last exploring in London. So long pleasure Thames, so long gorgeous London. I will definitely come back!

Flowers blossom in front of
Natural History Museum

Flowers blossom in front of
Natural History Museum

Street view of Westminster Palace

London post cards

The last morning at London, hotel view

Train to Gatwick airport

exhausted me
on the train to
Gatwick airport

Train to Gatwick airport, London
Going home

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