Friday, January 13, 2017

Cancun - Day 3 Xplor, Mexico by Aaron


~ Aaron

The "heart" of Xplor

A dino statue
besides the "heart"

At the entrance
to the park
     Xplor is a wonderful eco-friendly park with impressive ancient rock formations and according to nature. It began when the asteroid that probably wiped out the dinosaurs. Water dripped down and formed the stalactites and stalagmites that are still in the park today! The wonderful stalactite river swim, the excellent amphibious vehicles, the quick zip lines, and the rafts are all the main attractions here. There is also a hammock splash and spelunking. What amazing adventure Xplor provides!

Zip line

Zip line water landing

Just put our gear on

Getting ready for
the first zip line
     The zip lines are the most famous attraction in this whole park. Feeling so great to fly above the jungle. There are two sets of zip lines. One is colored orange on a zip line map, and the other is green. The green line is the quicker, but is shorter and lower. The orange is slower, but also longer and taller. In fact, both of the tallest zip line towers (they feel about the same) are on the orange line. The tallest zip line starts 45 meters above the ground and the lowest descent is 8 meters underground in a cave. No matter what, you will get wet! Like the ski lines, we chose to start from the easier green line. We finished all the 14 zip lines. Due to my brother's shortage of weight, I need to ride the zip lines together with him. It is easy. Just one hand hold on to my rope and the other hand grab his waist. Luckily, some lines were so quick, my lightweight brother had enough weight to zip down on his own! These zip lines were incredible.

Our 1st time on a zip line

Daddy recorded the whole zip line through

Me on the zip line alone

Both of us riding the zip line together

     The hammock splash was also a zip line, just without the equipment. We sat in a hammock, rode it down into the water, and paddled a short distance to finish. It was so fun that my brother and I rode 5 times. Dad followed us every round. Instead of the excitement I had, he complained of the dizziness.

Me riding the hammock splash

The amphibious car ride
     The amphibious vehicles were one of the best parts of Xplor. We did these first before riding the zip lines. There were two tracks driving through the jungle and caves. The first one is very dry, except for a bridge on a stream's surface. If you want to splash into the water and get wet, I recommend the second track. But you need to finish the first track first. We crossed through a waterfall and went through many puddles of water. Remember to drive safely. There is a chance to crash into the caves!

Our amphibious car went through a cave

Our amphibious car splashing through a puddle

Rafting in a cave
Just finished rafting
     The rafting was very tiring. Can you imaging paddling by using what feels like coconut shells? The blue water held many underwater stalagmites and we even bumped into some! A few beautiful fish swam in the underground river we were rafting in. Lights led our way across the river in this underground cave. This was very adventurous.

Daddy and I rafting

The waterfall below
the zip line tower

The cave at the end
of the river swim
     The very last activity was the river swim in a cave. To swim in darkness wasn't fun at all. But it wasn't completely dark. Luckily, lights led the entire way out. With my shoes on, even though I floated and followed the stream, it was still hard to swim forward. We hit a few underwater stalagmites along the way. The river led to a powerful waterfall as its finish line. It is under one of the zip line towers. However, it felt like forever for us to complete the long route, which was about 350 meters. We took quite a few photos in the end. This was a delightful swim in a river.

Me at the waterfall,
the exit to the river swim

Me floating at the waterfall,
the exit to the river swim

Exit to the swim activity

Yummy food
all inclusive
from 12pm to 5pm

lunch time
     The food at Xplor was delicious. We drank many yummy milkshakes and lots of hot chocolate. The all-inclusive buffet included scrumptious seafood casserole, sizzling BBQ, and fresh salads. This meal at Xplor was unforgettable.

     I liked this trip to Xplor. We rode the fast zip lines. The amphibious vehicles were very fun. Our tiring rafting in the underground river was exciting. The nice underground river swim finished the day at Xplor. I'd really have loved to have continued playing at Xplor.

Water slide landing in the water under a cave

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