Friday, January 13, 2017

Cancun - Day 2 Xcaret, Mexico by Gordon


* Gordon

At the entrance to the park

     Have you ever had the worry that you can not go to a park in Cancun? No problem, now that we can go to so many amazing parks. There are many parks like Xel-Ha, Xenses, Xplor, or even Xcaret. We went to the best out of them all, Xcaret and Xplor. Xcaret is a park fills up with full of Mayan culture. I enjoyed the natural park, as well as a wonderful Mayan journey.

Celebrating 25th anniversary of Xcaret

Xcaret bird wings
     The Ecological Park is celebrating its 25th anniversary. It was built by Mexican architect Miguel Quintana Pali. This special geological location covers cenotes, sinkholes formed by collapsed cave ceilings weakened by 3 million years of erosion from underground rivers running through them and flowing into the sea. He had the idea of building an Ecological Park open to the public. The park is a success to combine nature based attraction together with culture attraction. Come and try to swim in salty underground river, or to walk across a bay water on ropes, or to relax on the beach sand. You can even go floating in the water in a safety ring (tubing).

Getting ready to swim at the underground river

A sinkhole

A stadium
     We woke up at 7:00 am. and got there at 8:00 am. It was a direct bus so we arrived very early, before the crowds. The first thing we did was the underground river. Can you believe that it was salty? We have been to so many fresh water places in Mexico but only this river is salty. Guess why? Because it is right besides the Caribbean Sea! We swam and swam with life jackets on. Our feet were floppy thanks to the flippers we wore. I swam fast because the current gave me free ride! I was light and the current took me quickly. I had to kick away from the current so my family could catch up! Sometimes I was lazy and just held on to a rock during pictures and other times that I stopped. Warning: the swim path includes a dark cave, where swimmers use rope to find the way out. But it wasn't scary to me at all! The pictures were beautiful. Do you have the problem of no cameras? They provide cameras, just scan the smaller bar code and then do one more thing which is to smile. If you don't smile, their picture for you is ruined. There were beautiful cracks from the ground. The blooming colors of the fish were amazing to see. Bring goggles so you can look down and have a close look at the fish. There are different colored fish from solid to striped to rainbow colored.

Just out of a cave

Find the flamingo as our background

swim at underground river

swim at underground river
A happy swim

A happy swim

Swim at underground river

Swim at underground river

Swim at underground river

Swim at underground river

     We got out of the river after a long swim. Guess how long we swam? We did 2100 feet and we aren't much tired yet. I love flippers because they make me quick so we went to another place that includes water. It was something we had never done: The snorkeling! Have you ever gone snorkeling in salty water? You might want to bring in nose plugs. I know you wouldn't want water sneak into your nose. It can be quite uncomfortable. I suggest you to just pinch your nose. It is easy to float, just grab a life vest. Can you believe that my mom couldn't snorkeling even with her swimming experience? This proves that not everyone can float well with a life vest. Try to test if you can float so you can care more about your safety before doing  anything. Open your eyes wide. Tons of fish swims in and out from their rock home. Don't be afraid to touch the stingrays. Nothing can happen to you. Their stingers have been cut off. I even touched one. Nothing has happened to me. The skin was a little rough.

Lay on a hammock to relax, at the sand beach
no water there.

Turtle pond beside

     There is a Sea trek area right beside you. The sea fish, the sting rays, and the many plants and birds make the area blooming with fun! You can tell where the previous group of people are. There are bubbles and cords where ever you go, so you can't get too much privacy underwater. The bubbles are caused by the air in the oxygen tanks. The Sea Trek is really like a movie "Star Trek". You have to wear giant helmets. Instead discovering space things, you discover things from the salty water! I accidentally wandered into the Sea Trek Area and you won't believe what I saw! I saw a statue, a person kneeling down with arms pointing to opposite directions, left and right. It was green. Can you guess why it was green? It should thank to the algae! 




     Our nice little seafood lunch was yummy. We had to walk a long way. Luckily there was no line. We were still dripping wet from the cold water of the snorkeling and the river swim so I got a little hot coco to start with. The food tasted so good. I love the pizza with extra cheese. I was wandering around and I got a little guacamole, chips, and taco supplies. Can you guess what I got in the end? I got macaroni and cheese in my tacos! My brother picked American food such as hamburgers and hot dogs. I got a lot of seafood and desserts as well. They are so good.

In front of a pond

Boat ride

Boat ride
     Have you ever rode to a so peaceful place on boat then, all of a sudden, a smell of delightful no- showering-for-a long-time scent is about to fill the air? I have, in the middle of a slow, peaceful, and made for scenery boat. It passed by the stinky warthogs and the smell came over. It was foulsome. The birds were beautiful and there were many varieties. The ride was very slow and best of all that it is 15 minutes long!

boat ride

The warthogs

See the warthogs on the hill
tubing while watching people use rope to across the water

Beautiful sunset at the beach

At the beach

At the beach
     Have you ever been to a salt water beach and went tubing? I have! Just before the night show, when the crowds departure to take their good spot for the show, we sneaked back to the beach. With the sunset and less people, it was so relax and enjoyable. No people fight with you waling on the ropes over water. There was salt on the ropes, so it was easier to hold on to. Unfortunately, I couldn't reach the top even if I tiptoed. Fortunately, there was tubing and it was fun and relaxing. I fell into the water and found out that it was really shallow. The water is crystal clear. It was really fun and I still want to go there when I grow up.


Light up all the lanterns for the night show

Rushing to the night show

A Catholic church beside the show center

In front of show center
Before the show
people light up candles

Mayan ball game


People dance around pineapples

People do acrobatics and spinning
     The night show is a performance of Mexican history with music and dances. Have you ever seen ancient Mayan people play a ball game? You can hit the ball with your knee, arm, hip, or even your elbow. They actually lit up the ball with fire so that you could see it well. The people in the ancient times watching the ball game were only the rich people. Have you ever seen people do acrobatics and spinning while still playing music? They are over 50 feet high and they are still smiling! I could never do that. It was hard to see people do that in the ancient time. The traditional Mexican dances were beautiful. Everyone goes together to dance and dress in costumes. The way they celebrate is so cool.

Xcaret night show

Xcaret night show

Xcaret night show

     Do you like to see people swimming in rivers? Go to the river swim and find lots of more fish! Do you like to snorkel safely? Grab a life vest and quickly go to the snorkel! Do you like to eat seafood? Go to special spot number 43! Do you like to ride on a peaceful boat? Go on the boat ride! Like the beach sand where you can build so many sandcastles and tight rope walk? Do you want to go tubing? Got to the beach and have a relaxing time! Do you like to stay up late and watch a Mexico history and culture show? Now is your chance, quickly take a peek at the two hour long night show. Do you want to do all of these? They are all at the best park in the country of Mexico, Xcaret!!!

At door of the Mayan ruin
I am a tall person in ancient Maya era

At the Mayan ruins


A cat

At a botanic garden, the source of the park plants
Natural bat cave
Be quiet,
the bat may attack you!

Outside of the bat cave

See the puma walking on the island?

After the night show
say goodbye to the park

After the show

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