Friday, August 25, 2017

Mexico City Day 3 - Afternoon by Gordon, National Museum of World Culture, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Museo Nacional de Antropologia

National Museum of World Culture, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Museo Nacional de Antropologia

~ Gordon

Museo Nacional de las Culturas

At the entrance
of the museum

Museo Nacional
de las Culturas

Chinese exhibition

The foundation of museum, 1734

Egypt exhibition

Egypt exhibition

Greek exhibition

At the garden of the museum

South America exhibition
         The instruction states that the National Museum of World Culture is responsible for displaying and bringing to life the various cultures of our world. There are many things, from many different places, cultures from all the world.

Palacio de Bellas Artes

Walking towards Palacio de Bellas Artes

Street of downtown

Street of downtown

Metropolitan Cathedral
at far

Metropolitan Cathedral
at far

Street of downtown

Palacio de Bellas Artes

Palacio de Bellas Artes

Palacio de Bellas Artes

Palacio de Bellas Artes
Palacio de Bellas Artes

Palacio de Bellas Artes

Stairs around the statue
proves Mexico City is sinking.
City was build on top of a lake by filling with soil

Timo entre la gente

Timo entre la gente

Diego Rivera & Pablo Picasso Exhibition

at Palacio de Bellas Artes

Big sign of Rivera & Picasso
Left: Diego Rivera self portrait
Right: Pablo Picasso self portrait
Picasso, 1931

Picasso, 1921

Rivera, 1913
Rivera, 1914
Rivera, 1923
Rivera, human sacrifice

Rivera, 1943

Murals of "The Big Three" at Palacio de Bellas Artes

- Diego Rivera
- David Alfaro Siqueiros
- Jose Clemente Orozco

3rd floor of the museum

Picasso & Diego exhibition

Mural of David Alfaro Siqueiros, 1950-51

Mural of David Alfaro Siqueiros, 1950-51

Mural of Jose Clemente Orozco, 1934-35


Murals of Diego Rivera, 1936
Diego Rivera

David Alfaro Siqueiros

Jose Clemente Orozco
     Palacio de Bellas Artes  is a cultural center in Mexico City. It has hosted some of the most notable events in music, dance, theater, opera and literature and has held important exhibitions of painting, sculpture and photography. Consequently, the Palace of Fine Arts has been called the "Cathedral of Art in Mexico". Recently, it holds a special exhibit called "Picasso and Diego Riviera paintings". There was a long waiting line. We waited about 30 minutes. We saw more Picasso's painting here than in Paris! There were many murals, from "the big three" painters, Diego Rivera, Jose Clemente Orozco and David Alfaro Siqueiros. The murals pass social and political messages to reunify the country under the post Mexican Revolution government. Do you know why? Many Mexican people don't know how to read long time ago. So starting around 1920s, "the big three" painters used murals in the public to pass the messages to all Mexican.  


Yummy lunch

Yummy lunch

Yummy lunch

Yummy lunch

The National Museum of Anthropology

At the entrance of
the museum

At the entrance of
the museum

At the entrance of
the museum

Maya special exhibition

Maya exhibition

Sacred power
mask with Sun God
250-900 AD

The Divine Ruler

Personaje con
pintura corporal
body in color

Food for the gods
human sacrifice

Testimony stones
692 AD

Nature in write, 603 AD

Lady K'an B'olon

Collar con representaciones
de craneos
1000-1250 DC

A powerful being
serpent head

Between heaven & earth
altars in temples at Chichen Itza

Supernatural beings
Vessel with lid bearing mythological scene

Maya regular exhibition

At Maya exhibition

Maya temple

Maya temple

Costumbres funerarias

Tomb of
Pakal the Great

Tomb of
Pakal the Great

At Maya exhibition

At Maya exhibition

Dintel 47 de Yaxchilan
600-800 DC

At Maya exhibition

At Maya exhibition

At Maya exhibition

Hombre pojaro-serpiente
1000-1250 DC

At Maya exhibition

Teotihuacan exhibition

Figures in potteries and a skull

Tlatilco Temp IV
Tlatilco Temp IV

Houses & area of activities

Complejo muerte

Pyramid of the Feathered Serpent, Teotihuacan (beautiful color remains)

Pyramid of
the plumed serpent burial

Objects made with

Estela 31 de Tikal
250-650 DC

Murals Wagner

Ball court

Plaza Mayor of the capital of New Spain exhibition

Piedra Sol
Stone of the Sun

Piedra Sol
Stone of the Sun
with original colors
discovered in Dec 1790
at Plaza Mayor of the
capital of New Spain

Piedra Sol
Stone of the Sun

Coatlicue de Cozcatlan

Piedra de ex Arzobispado
Stone of the Sun at back

Sacred building of Tenochtitlan

Sacred building of Tenochtitlan
with skulls on the tops

Templo Mayor

Stone figures

Tlaltecuhtli del metro
Ciudad de Mexico

Eagle warrior &
other animal figures

Cultruas de la Costa del Golfo

Lapida de Huilocintla

Organs in pots

Dios Viejo

Jaguar Humanizado

Cabeza Colosal, 1200-600 AC

Polbamiento de America

The migration of American

A model of life of prehistorical

A model of elephant hunting at prehistorical time
     The National Museum of Anthropology  is a national museum of Mexico. It is the largest and most visited museum in Mexico. I rank this museum #1 Must Visit museum in Mexico City. Located within Chapultepec Park in Mexico City. We were luck that the special exhibition of Maya was there until mid September. The Maya exhibition was huge. The Teotihuacan Exhibition was cool. Things you cannot find from Teotihuacan was transferred here. We found a huge temple displaying the original Piramide Tepanapa (Temple of Feathered-Serpent) well preserved in colors. There was also gigantic exhibition about native Americas. It was really cool with the model mammoths. 

Castilo de Chapultepec - Museo Nacional de Historia

The castle, also history museum

     There was a beautiful Monument across our hotel. It was close to a night market, where we bought some corn in Mexican style. Of course, it's super duper spicy!!!

     Day 3 was really fun. The Templo Mayor's interesting museum was very cool. Palacio de la Autonomia has a long history, and fun to walk around. The Metropolotan Cathedral has a very important role as it serves as the priniciple church to the whole Mexico City. The Museo Nacional de las Cultras was very fun, with so many exhibitions around the world. Palacio de Bellas Artes had very cool arts with a Picasso and Diego exhibition! The National Museum of Anthropology had an awesome exhibit of Teotihuacan, Mexica and Maya. The full day made me tired. 

Night along Reforma Avenue

Palacio de Bellas Artes at night

Palacio de Bellas Artes at night

Interior of
Palacio de Bellas Artes
at night

Palacio de Bellas Artes at night

Palacio de Bellas Artes at night

A monument at
Reforma Avenue

A monument at
Reforma Avenue

Night market
at Reforma Avenue

Night market
at Reforma Avenue

Night market
at Reforma Avenue

BBQ corn at night market

BBQ corn at night market

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