Friday, August 25, 2017

Mexico City Day 3 - Afternoon by Aaron, Palacio de Bellas Artes, Museo Nacional de Antropologia

Palacio de Bellas Artes, Museo Nacional de Antropologia

~ Aaron

Museo Nacional de las Culturas

At the entrance
of the museum


Original foundation 1734

Egypt exhibition

Egypt exhibition

Greek exhibition

At the garden of
the museum

South American collection

A boat model

Prehistoric creature skeleton

Palace of Fine Artes

Walking towards Palace of Fine Arts

Street of downtown

Metropolitan Cathedral

Street of downtown

A girl walking on stilts
in front of a hotel

Metropolitan Cathedral

Palace of Fine Arts
in the distance

Palace of Fine Arts

Palace of Fine Arts

Palace of Fine Arts

Palace of Fine Arts

Palace of Fine Arts

Palace of Fine Arts

The water fountain's stairs go down
proved that Mexico City is sinking.
The city was built by fillin a lake with soil.

Sitting in front of
the museum

Timo entre la gente

Timo entre la gente

Pablo Picasso & Diego Rivera's Exhibition

at Palacio de Bellas Artes

Special exhibition of
Picasso & Rivera
at the museum

Left: self portrait of Diego Rivera
Right: self portrait of Pablo Picasso
Picasso, 1912

Picasso, 1934

Rivera, 1913

Rivera, 1915


Rivera, 1923

Rivera, 1931

Murals by: "The Big Three" - Diego Rivera, David Alfaro Siqueiros, Jose Clemente Orozco

at Palacio de Bellas Artes

Diego Rivera

David Alfaro Siqueiros

Jose Clemente Orozco

Murals on the wall of the museum

Interior of the museum

Mural of David Alfaro Siqueiros, 1950-51

Mural of David Alfaro Siqueiros, 1950-51

Mural of
Jose Clemente Orozco

Murals of Diego Rivera, 1936

     The National Museum of Fine Arts is very beautiful. Many beautiful murals by Diego Riviera are located on the walls. A temporary exhibition of paintings by Diego and Picasso just happened to be there when we visited. The current building of the museum started in 1904, and the deadline was 1910, but by 1913, the project was stop all progress with barely a a small dome. However, construction restarted in 1932, and completed 2 years later.


Yummy lunch

Yummy lunch

Yummy lunch

Yummy lunch

Museo Nacional de Antropologia

At museum entrance

At museum entrance

At museum entrance

At museum entrance

Maya special exhibition

Maya Exhibition

Mask with Sun God, 250-902 AD

Retrato 600-900 DC

Mujer Con
Limado Dental

Food for the gods
statue of human sacrifice

Testimony of victory, 799 AD

Nature in writing, 603 AD

Lord Kuch B'ahlam
771-792 AD

Precious jewelry
made from >1600 pieces
of shell

Lord of the air
Vessel with lid
and support with king
vulture head

Feather Serpent
censer base

Lord of underworld

Supernatural beings, vessel with lid bearing mythological scene

Maya regular exhibition

At Maya exhibition

Mayan temple

At Maya exhibition

Tomb of Pakal the Great

Tomb of Pakal the Great

Entierro infantil

Mayan temple

Dintel 47 de Yaxchilan
600-800 DC

Mayan Temple

At Maya exhibition

At Maya exhibition

At Maya exhibition

At Maya exhibition

At Maya exhibition

At Maya exhibition

At Maya exhibition

Teotihuacan exhibition


Tlatilco Temp IV

Tlatilco Temp IV with many bones
of human sacrifices

House & area of activity


Pyramid of Feathered Serpent in colors

Pyramid of the plumed serpent burial
for sacrifices


objects made with

Estela 31 de Tikal
250-650 DC

Murals Wagner

Ball court

Plaza Mayor of the capital of New Spain exhibition

Piedra Sol
Stone of the Sun

Piedra Sol
Stone of the Sun in colors
discovered in Dec 1790
at Plaza Mayor of the capital
of the New Spain

Piedra Sol
Stone of the Sun

Piedra de ex Arzobispado
with the Stone of the Sun at back

Coatlicue de Cozcatlan

Stone statues

Templo Mayor

Sacred building
of Tenochtitlan

Tlaltecuhtli del Metro
Ciudad de Mexico

Eagle warrior & other animal figures

Ciudad de Mexico

Cultruas d la Costa del Golfo exhibition

Lapida de Huilocintla

burial organs in pot

Diosa Cihuateteo

Cabeza Colosal, 1200-600 AD

Poblamiento de America

Migration of America

A model of how people live at prehistorical time

A model of people hunted
elephant in prehistorical time

     The National Museum of Anthropology had many wonderful exhibitions. The temporary Maya exhibition had many amazing artifacts. It included clay statues made by the Mayans, and even some gruesome details about how they decorated themselves. Did you know they sometimes made designs by making small holes in their skin, inserting little bits of debris, and letting it heal? The tools they used were very advanced for their time.

     The Teotihuacan exhibit in the National Museum of Anthropology was also very nice. It had many clay artifacts and such from the actual pyramids, and even a part of the Temple of the Feathered Serpent still in almost perfect color! A video was played beside the part of the temple. Many pieces and tools made of the prized obsidian from Teotihuacan were displayed. The skeletons of human sacrifices were displayed besides the pyramid. This exhibit was very great.

Castilo de Chapultepec - Museo Nacional de Historia

The castle, also the museum

     Today was a fabulous day! The Templo Mayor is something very intriguing if you try to study it more. The National Palace was a splendorous museum. The National Palace of Fine Arts has many excellent paintings. The National Museum of Anthropology has many things. I wish I could visit these places again. 

Night at Mexico City

Palacio de Bellas Artes at night

Palacio de Bellas Artes at night

Interior of
Palacio de Bellas Artes
at night

Palacio de Bellas Artes at night

Palacio de Bellas Artes at night

A monument at Reforma Avenue

A monument at Reforma Avenue

Night market at Reforma Avenue

Night market at Reforma Avenue

BBQ corn

Black banana

BBQ corn
yummy dinner

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