Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Mexico City Day 1 by Gordon, Cuicuilco Pyramid, Coyoacan, Zocalo

Cuicuilco Pyramid, Coyoacan, and Zocalo

~ Gordon

Mexico City Subway
At Cuicuilco Pyramid
Frida Kahlo Museum in Coyoacan

Palacio de Bellas Artes

Breakfast booth

My chicken
sandwich breakfast
     The ride to mexico city was so fun. My family and I got to sit down on a very comfy seat with a headrest. It took about 5 hours to fly there. The first thing we did was go to the metro and then we took the bus to go to our hotel. Later, we took the bus and headed to Cuicuilco Pyramid.

Cuicuilco Pyramid

Walking towards Cuicuilco Pyramid

Stepping on the volcanic rocks
of Cuicuilco Pyramid
Cuicuilco Pyramid
Los Altares (altar)

La Kiva, 150 B.C.
might be atemazcal or rutual bath
astronomical observatory or mythical cave of origins
At the side of Cuicuilco Pyramid

Pointing to the museum



A small museum at Cuicuilco Pyramid

A map of Cuicuilco area

A timeline of Mexico history

Potteries from the people who lived here

Jewelries and potteries

A face made from rock

A skeleton from an actual persohn

Cute small pottery figures and bowls

Mural about Cuicuilco was once covered by volcanoes

How Cuicuilco Pyramid
looked like when
was discovered

     Cuicuilco Pyramid is full of history like alters, pyramids, and a museum! It was built around 1000 BC. It was abandoned because the resources there was too less. There were very few ceremonial buildings, but were very interesting. it was only about 40 to 130 centimeters high! There are amazingly 5 alters that have been found. 4 have been found near a 3 story high building. they have been made of the native soil and mud. The pyramid was very fun to climb. It was approximately 20 meters high.  The museum was very fun! It contained a few artifacts found at the Cuicuilco Pyramid.


Thunderstorm in Coyoacan

Chocolate shop in Coyoacan

Chocolate shop in Coyoacan
eating sweet bread that tastes good

Chocolate shop in Coyoacan
yummy bread that tastes good

Chocolate shop in Coyoacan
little bread treat with mangoes.
Blueberries have been eaten!
2 Coyotes at the center of Coyoacan 

Bus of Coyoacan

Street of Coyoacan
      Coyoacan was a very famous city, located at South of Mexico City. Can you guess what it was named after? If you guessed coyotes, you're right! In about the center of the city, you can see 2 famous coyotes near a building. The shops and buildings of Coyoacan brought me back to the colonial period.     

Frida Khloe Museum - The Blue House

Walking towards
Frida Khloe Museum

At the corner
of the museum

At the entrance to
the museum

"Mrs. Frida Kahlo alias the loveliest little girl who means more to me than my life." - Diego Rivera

Wall of flowers

In the garden of the museum

"Frida" and "Diego"

In the garden

In the garden

In the garden

The artworks by Mardonio Magana

At the entrance of Frida and Diego's rooms

Diego Rivera's bedroom

Diego Rivera's bedroom

At the exit of Frida and Diego's rooms

In the garden

A video about Frida's life
showing in the garden

A picture of Frida
and her husband
Diego Rivera
in the garden

      Frida Kahlo, who was born, grew up, and died in Coyoacan, was very famous to the Mexican people. After her death, her house became a museum, Frida Khloe Museum. It was a famous landmark of Coyoacan. The museum is painted in blue. Why blue, because she loved blue. The museum is Frida's parents house, and where she grew up and lived together with her husband, Diego Rivera. Frida's life was full of accidents. At the early age of she began to suffer polio, a disease that harms your legs. This made it so that she had to go on a wheel chair. But this also had future affects. One day, she was going back home on the school bus with her best friend. An old tramway car struck the school bus. Because she had polio so she was thrown towards a metal pole. the pole struck a part that made her impossible to have a baby. In the museum, you can learn so many things. You can see the wheel chair she used, and the clothing she wore! Her favorite style of dress up was to make people think about the circus. Her husband, Diego Riviera, was also a famous artist. You can see a few of Diego's paintings there. Near the end, you can see an entire exhibit of her paintbrushes and tools. On one of her famous self portrait, she connected her eyebrows. The face of her husband, Diego Rivera, was on top of the eyebrows. There was an entire temple made of plastic flowers! She must like flowers a lot. 

Frida Kahlo who loves self portraits 

Frida Kahlo's picture

Frida's self portrait with
Diego's picture on her

Two Frida
one of Frida's famous painting
Metropolitan Cathedral Church

Metropolitan Cathedral at Zocalo

Metropolitan Cathedral Church

Government building at Zocalo
     The night at Zocalo was beautiful, with so many stores when you walk around. A bread store with so many sweet looking breads was found. We also went to a very important principal church called Mexico City Metropolitan Cathedral, the largest Cathedral church in America. It is very pretty and has a lot of white marbles. We were caught by a heavy thunderstorm on the night. There was lighting all around the government building at Zocalo. The beautiful Palacio de Bellas Artes has an angel on the top of it. We passed by a beautiful monument on the way walking back to our hotel. 

Thunderstorm at Zocalo

Palacio de Bellas Artes at night

A monument

     We had a lot of fun in Mexico City on the first day. The Cuicuilco Pyramid was very cool and there was an entire  human skeleton! The Frida Khloe Museum at Coyoacan was very amazing, and has a lot of paintings from 2 famous painters, Frida and Diego. Zocalo, one of the world largest square, has a beautiful night view. It was so good, I wish I could stay for more time!

Subway ride

Mexican sweet bread store

Mexican sugary bread

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