Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Mexico City Day 1 by Aaron, Cuicuilco Pyramid, Coyoacan, Zocalo

Cuicuilco Pyramid, Coyoacan, and Zocalo

~ Aaron

Mexico City Subway
Cuicuilco Pyramid
Frida Kahlo Museum in Coyoacan
Metropolitan Cathedral at Zocalo

Breakfast booth

Chicken Sandwich for
     I had a wonderful time in Mexico City. We ate some delicious food on the way. The Cuicuilco Pyramid was once more beautiful than it is now. We also stopped at the Frida Kahlo Museum in Coyoacan. Metropolitan Cathedral is very tall and majestic. I wish I could visit Mexico City again.

Cuicuilco Pyramid

Going towards Cuicuilco Pyramid

Climbing up Cuicuilco Pyramid
stepping on stone path

Cuicuilco Pyramid


Use is still unknown
Side of the pyramid

Pointing to the museum



The museum of Cuicuilco Pyramid

A map of Cuicuilco area

A timeline


Pottery and clothing items

A statue

A skeleton

Small human figures

The painting about Cuicuilco once was covered by the nearby volcano

A look of  Cuicuilco Pyramid
at the time it was discovered

     The Cuicuilco pyramid was once located in a city in Central Mexico. The small town it was located in had plentiful bodies of water and trees nearby. It was started in 800 BCE, and started to decline after Teotihuacan began to become powerful. Cuicuilco was destroyed and abandoned after the eruption of a nearby volcano in 400 CE. Cuicuilco is relatively well-preserved due to the lava flows that covered it. Some artifacts and 1 human skeleton still remain!


Bus ride to Coyoacan,
south of Mexico City

Street of Coyoacan

Frida Kahlo Museum at Koyoacan

The Blue House

Walking towards
Frida Kahlo Museum

At the corner of
the museum 

At the entrance of
the museum

A quote of Diego Riviera

Flower palace

Some sculptures in the garden

Frida and Diego
with our mom as Frida
and our dad as Diego

In the garden

In the garden

A fountain in the garden

More artwork

At the entrance of Frida and Diego's rooms

Diego's bedroom

Diego's bedroom

At the exit of Frida and Diego's rooms

In the garden

A video constantly showing
Frida's life in the garden

Frida and Diego's picture
Frida and Diego
     The Frida Kahlo Museum at Coyoacan is full of art painted by Frida Kahlo and a few paintings by her husband, Diego Riviera, who knew her since Frida’s high school. The museum, who has the name "the blue house" due to its walls being painted her favorite color; blue, is where Frida spent majority of her life in. The Coyoacan city is actually even older than the Aztec empire! There is also a garden with many green plants. The artwork includes many paintings about Frida Kahlo’s sufferings. Most of her sufferings were the result of a bus accident where a metal rod went through her body. She started artwork as a way of passing time. Her artwork eventually became famous, although she never originally planned for it to be so. Sadly, she died at a very young age of over 40 due to her many injuries and the surgeries she had to go through. Diego Riviera has some lovely cubic paintings hanging in the museum. He married Frida, even though she was almost half of his age.

Frida Kahlo and her artwork

Frida Kahlo's self portrait

Frida Kahlo's self portrait

Frida Kahlo's self portrait

Frida Kahlo's self portrait

Metropolitan Cathedral at night

Metropolitan Cathedral at Zocalo
     Metropolitan Cathedral is a great church. It was built on the Temple Mayor when the Spanish conquered the Aztecs to symbolize their power. Later, a cathedral was ordered to be built in its place, and the original church was demolished for space in which to build. In 1967, a huge fire started by a short-circuit destroyed much of the cathedral. During the restoration, many new precious artifacts were found. The view of it at night has many bright lights shining on it.

The government building at Zocalo

A monument on the way
walking back home

Palacio de Bellas Artes at night

Palacio de Bellas Artes at night

     Mexico City is a very excellent place. The Cuicuilco Pyramid is most of what remains of a once very grand city. The Frida Kahlo Museum in Coyoacan had many elegant works of art. The Metropolitan Cathedral is very nice at day and night. I want to stay here a lot longer!

Thunderstorm at the night of Zocalo

Mexican Chocolate store in Coyoacan

Mexican Chocolate
store in Coyoacan

Mexican Chocolate store in Coyoacan

Mexican Chocolate store
in Coyoacan
Mexican bread store

Subway at night

Subway riding home

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