Sunday, March 12, 2017

Essay - Mysterious Stonehenge by Gordon


     by Gordon

     Have you ever gotten bored of seeing modern history in museums? If so, Stonehenge is the perfect place for you to start your ancient tour. The tour goes through the mysterious wonders of Stonehenge. Stonehenge is only a few miles outside of London. Have you also wondered why it was built? Your not alone, because no one knows!

     When you get to Stonehenge, ask yourself. What material did people in ancient times use to make Stonehenge this steady? It has never fallen down for over 4000 years! The truth is people did not use magical stones, like in fairy tales. The people used a type of regular stone called bluestones. Why are they called bluestones? Are they feeling sad to use those stones? No, the reason it's called that name is because when they are wet, they turn blue. What is very odd is that bluestones are normally found 250 miles of the coast of Wales. So, how did the stones get here? Many people believe the theory that a tide in the ancient times brought the stones here and the people found them. Can you imagine how they could lift up the heaviest stone? It's legendary to see a 70,000 pounded stone get lifted up! What do you think Stonehenge was built to be? Stonehenge was most likely built as a cemetery. The hypothesis is reasonable because there is a lot of ash and human bones near Stonehenge.

     Can you guess where ancient people had secretive places at Stonehenge? They had privacy at a place called Timber Circles. It really is a shock on how many people went to Timber Circles. A lot of skeletons were found at the Timber Circles, which became patches of grass. Did you know a village was near Stonehenge? That is the best reason of why Stonehenge was found with so many piles of wood which resemble modern houses. The piles look as if they have been built by people. Can you believe Stonehenge was a very popular spot in the olden ages? We know from the evidence many people were traveling and died. Many ashes and bones all near Stonehenge lie scattered. Many people think Stonehenge is a place of healing. People believed annually, at one day, the sunlight would strike through all the stones. On the same day, all of the ancient people would make prayers. This is from the belief which is the sun god was watching.

     Did you know that scientists were so curious that they used microscopes to confirm the Welsh origin of the stones? I wonder how the people got the rock under the microscope. What many people find shocking is that Stonehenge is a good secret keeper because it has a held a secret for over 4,500 years. How it is made is still a mystery that waits to be solved. Stonehenge is just so amazing for a place that has ancient relics. 

     Stonehenge is such an amazing place to learn history. Maybe you can figure why it was made! Come and visit Stonehenge. Make sure you comment how silent and well preserved this mysterious wonder of the world is. Maybe some day Stonehenge will reveal it's long hidden secret!

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