Monday, July 13, 2015

Yellowstone Park - Wildlife in Yellowstone

Yellowstone Wildlife

-- Aaron
Yellowstone National Park

Our log cabin outside of west Yellowstone.
super-strong wooden bunk bed

Hibernation Station entrance,
our Yellowstone home
     Yellowstone, the world's first national park is a wonderful place to visit. We drove a total of  4,260 km (2,662.5 miles) round trip from California to Yellowstone. We crossed 5 states: California, Nevada, Utah, Idaho, and Montana. Many hydrothermal features can be seen such as hot springs, geysers, mud pots, and fumaroles. Lots of wild life are also found. Some examples are moose, bison, black bears, cranes, mule deer, yellow-bellied marmots, pronghorn antelope, elk, bighorn sheep, pelicans, geese, and ducks. Wildlife is plentiful in Yellowstone National Park.

      Interesting animals can often be seen  within Yellowstone's park boundaries. Black bears don't come out so often and always attract a crowd. Bison are the most common animal. What a fast animal deer are! Deer are not seen too often. Some birds even fish in the rivers! A little black fish we saw in a river near Midway Geyser Basin was struggling upstream. Sweet-smelling flowers were on Smoking Hillside where ground temperatures reach  to 200 Fahrenheit! The world's first National Park is a very exciting place.

young adult black bear
black bear cub

a sub-adult black bear
having a  snack
      Black bear sightseeing happened twice in Yellowstone! In Yosemite, a grizzly bear appeared! The shy black bear cub hid in the tall grass. Flowers were snacked on by the black bear sub-adult. It was the first time I ever saw a black bear! Black bears are cool creatures to see.

bison grazing on the meadow
bison mom and her calf
     What is the most plentiful animal in Yellowstone? The correct answer is bison! They are probably the most common animal to see every day. Most of the strong bison stay in herds for protection while some stronger bison live by themselves. Bison are pretty awesome.

herd of bison busy eating grass

running mule deer
mule deer drinking water
     Deer are fun to watch. Most of them are friendly. Maybe you will be lucky enough to see a male mule deer! Pronghorn antelopes, another type of deer, are the fastest creature on earth in a race. Cheetahs go up to 70 miles per hour for only 45 seconds. Pronghorn antelopes go 60 miles per hour for a long distances. Mule deer are the most common type to see. They were found near water most of the time. I like the deer the most.

pronghorn antelope

Goat? No, a female bighorn sheep
     Bighorn sheep are really nice to watch. Female bighorn sheep can often be mistaken for goats. Males have head-butting contests to see who can mate. The bighorn sheep were shedding wool during the summer. What an interesting animal bighorn sheep are!


camouflaged elk
Can you find it?
elegant elk
     Elk are some special creatures. They might even rub their antlers against multicolored sap to get the color on to attract females! These creatures are like humans because they have a daycare! If a predator attacks one of the babies, the hundred angry moms start charging at them. A predator would definitely run away from the moms. Elk are elegant creatures that scientists like to study.

geese and their babies
cranes camouflaged in tall grass
American white pelican
swimming around lakes

     Birds are a cool sight in Yellowstone. American white pelicans were swimming around lakes. Ducks went fishing right in front of our eyes. A whole family of geese swam around in a river. Cranes were nearly camouflaged in the tall grass.  Birds are really an exciting thing to look for.

fishing ducks
     Fish can be seen in lots of rivers and lakes. Eleven species of fish are native to Yellowstone. Two subspecies of cutthroat trout are named for: their red stripe on the lower jaw, and the other, the mountain whitefish. A tiny black fish in Midway Geyser Basin's river struggled against the current upstream. Fish are something you should spend some time on watching.  

wild flowers
white flowers
      Flowers on Smoking Hillside are sweet-smelling and attract bees. The purple ones smell sort of like honey. Bees usually go to the purple flowers. Sometimes, a bee visits the white ones. It is amazing that they can live in the soil that used to reach 200 Fahrenheit! The flowers have to be really special to survive through the heat.
      Yellowstone is full of awesome things. Black bears are always attracting a crowd of people. Bison walk past you every day. Deer are nice to see. Most of the birds are found in water. Fish are excellent to watch. Beautiful flowers have scents that attract bees. From bears to flowers, Yellowstone is full of natural wonders.
fragrant flower

Yellowstone's Wildlife 

-- Gordon 
sunset on a beautiful meadow with a
bison mom and a calf.
American white pelican
yellow-bellied marmot
      Do you want to see fabulous animals? Visit Yellowstone. All  sorts of animals can be found at Yellowstone. Osprey, mule deer, Coyote, Bull elk, Wolf, Grizzly bear, Bull Moose, Pika, Yellow-bellied marmot, pronghorn, American White Pelican, Lesser scaup Trumpeter swan,  Green-winged Teal, and bison and her calf a crossing the road, wait what? Aren't bison supposed to be foolish animals? How are they smart enough to cross the road? Actually, its brain is pretty big. Last, of all the animals, bighorn sheep, shedding its fur, and king of the animals, the wolf, a fierce hunter.
      Black bear, prince of the animals, come out rarely. What a sight it would be to see a ferocious fighter. Elk, the handsome one are very elegant and beauty to all eyes.

Yellowstone mountain
      Flowers on all hills are so good smelling, (don't forget. WARNING, Bees like it too!!!)You can also enjoy a nice little hike on the Boardwalk.
Yellowstone creek
      Yellowstone is VERY BEAUTIFUL and lovely. It is a sight that all will remember!!!

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