Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Memories - MathLeague Journey, Spring 2020 (3rd Place Individual-High School National; 1st Place Individual-Middle School State, North California)

MathLeague Journey, Spring 2020

10th Place Individual,

5th Place Team of 8th Grade

MathLeague Middle School National Championship

June 27, 2020

10th Place Individual, 8th grade, Middle School National

5th Place Team, 8th Grade
Middle School National
5th Place Team, 8th Grade
Middle School National

3rd Place Individual,

5th Place Team of Junior high Division

MathLeague High School National Championship

June 13, 2020

3rd Place Individual, Jr. Division
High School National

3rd Place Individual, Jr. Division
High School National

3rd Place Individual, Jr. Division
High School National

5th Place Team, Jr. Division
High School National

1st Place Individual, 

3rd Place Team of 8th Grade

MathLeague Middle School State Championship

North California

May 23, 2020

1st Place Individual, 8th grade
Middle School State

3rd Place Team, 8th grade, Middle School State

4th Place Individual, 

4th Place Team of Junior High Division

MathLeague High School Sate Championship

North California

April 18, 2020

4th Place Individual, Jr. Division
High School State

4th Place Team, Jr. Division
High School State

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