Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Memories - Hopkins Gold Jr. High Team at 2019 Science Olympiad Contest

Hopkins Gold Team won 2nd Place Team
Regional Final
Science Olympiad Contest
Division B
March 2, 2019

~ Aaron

15 members of Hopkins Gold Team

15 members of Hopkins Gold Team

15 members of Hopkins Gold Team

15 members of Hopkins Gold Team

15 members of Hopkins Gold Team

15 members of Hopkins Gold Team

15 members of Hopkins Gold Team

15 members of Hopkins Gold Team

With all coaches

With all coaches

Saad and I Won 6th place in Density Lab

Varun and I won 3rd place in Roller Coaster

Roller Coaster

Adwithi and I won 1st place in Thermodynamics

Hopkins Gold Team

Hopkins Gold Team

Hopkins Gold Team with head coach

Hopkins Gold Team with head coach

Hopkins Gold Team with head coach

Hopkins Gold Team with head coach

With team trophy

Hopkins Gold Team

Hopkins Gold Team with head coach

Trophy picture with Principal, Mr. Brown

Trophy picture with Principal, Mr. Brown

Hopkins Jr High won 7th Place
at NorCal Science Olympiad State Championship
April 6, 2019

UC Stanislaus

UC Stanislaus

UC Stanislaus

UC Stanislaus

4th place in Thermodynamics, NorCal 2019

4th place in Density Lab, NorCal 2019

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