Monday, April 10, 2017

Essay - Are We Alone by Gordon

Are We Alone?

~ Gordon 

     Have you ever felt like you‘re alone? That's how the earth feels, lonely because it's the only planet that fits life? Not anymore, now, Scientists are on the search. Scientists have found many close fitting planets like Earth, but none fits the liquid water clues. All are too cold to resist. People have searched thousands of years but still have not found the right ones. 

     Let's start our search in the Solar system. We start at the first planet, Mercury. Do you see anyone who can stand the coldness at night? You would be blind if you stare at the sun for too long at Mercury. 1 minute and say good bye to your eyes! Mercury does not fit any of the clues. 

      Let's do our next search in the Solar system at Venus. Sadly, we can't go there thanks to the clouds of gas surrounding the planet. Earth already has life so lets move on. Mars, the most likely one to have life. With  High tech  air conditioning, we can turn it to fit temperatures. But, Mars has no water! All the water is under the rust, so it's hard to get. How can we get the water without hurting the planet? It isn't fit! It was really close.

     The gas planets wouldn't make it. We could land on it and start falling through till the rocky core. Ouch! I don't want to go there.

     Can the scientists find the "clone" of Earth that has all the people needs? It might be really different. But trying to find the "copy" of Earth in space is really worth the effort.

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