Wednesday, March 30, 2016

Essay - Saturn by Gordon


    - Gordon
    Saturn has been known for many years but not a lot of people know the true beauty of this majestic planet. I will tell you all about Saturn in a way you have never seen it. Here are a few facts before we start. Saturn was actually discovered 4000,000 miles away from the planet itself. The spaceship that snapped 126 natural colored photos is called The Cassini Spacecraft.

    First, our journey on this planet will start at the rings. While you gaze at the rings, you might notice that these are not the kind of rings you expected. The ring particles are made almost entirely of water ice, with a trace component of rocky material. Guess how thick the rings are? The answer is that Saturn’s rings are actually about 150 feet thick! That is very thick for 7 rings!

    Last, but not least, we end our journey by visiting one last spot. Can you guess it? The answer is that we end our journey on the planet. Saturn is not solid like Earth, but is instead a giant gas planet. It is made up of 94% hydrogen, 6% helium. Hydrogen and helium are what most stars are made of. It is thought that there might be a molten, rocky core about the size of Earth deep within Saturn.

    Here are a few facts before we leave this resplendent planet:
  1. This planet can hold 700 Earths
  2. Saturn’s outsized moon, Titan, is a world almost perfectly like ours.
  3. Saturn has 56 moons.
  4. Seen from above, Saturn looks like a miniature solar system. With its moons as planets, it would look exactly like a miniature solar system.
  5. Some scientists think there is life a few dozen feet under the ice floor.

    Now you know the beauty of this planet. I can bet you never knew all these interesting facts about Saturn. That is the reason why today I chose to inform you about Saturn. Now you can tell all these facts to other people. I really hope you enjoyed this interview of a huge gas planet that has rings: Saturn.


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