Sunday, April 12, 2015

LA - Griffith Observatory

Griffith Observatory

  - Gordon
hiking to the top
of the mountain
Beautiful apartments look like jewels
hiking to the top
of the mountain 
hiking to the top
of the mountain

   If you like exercise, follow me, we'll climb a mountain. What's special? Look around, see the Hollywood sign on the mountain? It is the one and the only one sign at Los Angeles. Beautiful apartments look like jewels. Now, we're hiking down the humongous mountain. We are going to our destination, Griffith Observatory.

butterfly on top of the mountain

Hollywood sign
plain next to Griffith Observatory
     Let's rest at that plain next to Griffith Observatory. What's in here? A movie theater! Where do you get the tickets? Do they have popcorn? What is the name of this dome? "The name of the dome is Samuel Oschin Planetarium. "What else is in here...?A REALLY BIG TELESCOPE!   

    Okay, it's time to see Jupiter through a telescope and Venus with naked eye. Hey, it is still bright out here! How can you see the planets when the sun is still in the sky? This is so cool.

    Griffith Observatory can answer any questions you wonder about space. You can study astronomy. Later on, you might become an astronaut. It is the best!

on the roof of Griffith Observatory
On the roof of Griffith Observatory

Griffith Observatory

- Aaron

Griffith Observatory
       The cool Griffith Observatory is a pretty white building on the slope of Hollywood Land. There are fun movies, exhibits that contain facts about a variety of things, small telescopes to look through, and you can take a long hike. Each tiny telescope is pointed at a different celestial objects, such as a close planet of our solar system. The wonderful Griffith Observatory isn't on the top of the tall mountain, but you can hike to the tippy top and climb back down to Griffith Observatory (it's very tiring). If you visit there very often, you'll find out about a ton of stuff.

    The movies happen in a humongous planetarium called the Samuel Oschin Planetarium. Every day, there are 3 shows. Water is Life tells which other planets or moons in our solar system have water. Light of the Valkyries tells Viking mythology about the beautiful and colorful Northern Lights. Other movies can tell you more about a wide range of awesome subjects.
    Exhibits are featured in a long hall that tell about different things. Spring, Summer, Fall, and Winter are caused by Earth's tilt on its axis. Day and night happen because Earth sometimes faces the bright Sun and at other times, it turns away from the Sun. Eclipses happen when the Sun or Moon is blocked out by another object. The fantastic hall has many more exhibits with lots more facts to share with you.
Zeiss 12-inch telescope
aimed at Jupiter
    If you're patient, at 7:00 P.M., you can see through all of telescopes. The biggest one: the Zeiss 12-inch telescope (it isn't that small) is aimed at Jupiter, and you can see it, day and night. Jupiter looks like a tiny ball with 2 red stripes through the telescope. Others aim at stars and Venus. The smaller telescopes on the lawn are aimed for those objects. It can't get any better than that!

long hiking trail
    Would you go into your car and drive to Griffith Observatory, or take the long way: hiking? I would prefer riding. The hike uses up all your energy. It's also risky, because if you take 1 wrong turn and you find yourself on the wrong side of the mountain! Only those with lots of energy should hike.

    At the excellent Griffith Observatory, there's all this stuff and more! Movies can shed more light on a lot of subjects, Even in the bright day, you can check things out with a telescope that can usually only be seen at night! I sat next to a copper statue of Einstein who's observing a piece of the universe. Everything's fine, but just don't take the hike! I love the things found in the Griffith Observatory.
Sitting next to Einstein

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